Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration: Key Grant Programs
Agency Description
The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration is responsible for developing and enforcing regulations for the safe, reliable, and environmentally sound transportation of energy and other hazardous materials that are essential to the daily lives of the American people.
It is in charge of overseeing the nation’s approximately 3.4 million miles of pipelines—accounting for 65 percent of the energy consumed in the U.S.—and regulating the nearly 1 million daily shipments of hazardous materials by land, sea, and air.
To accomplish this, PHMSA establishes national policy, sets and enforces standards, educates, conducts research to prevent transportation-related deaths and injuries, and prepares first responders to safely handle consequences should an incident occur.
Discretionary Grant Programs
Below are brief descriptions of PHMSA grant programs.
For more information on these opportunities, follow the links in each description, which lead to individual grant program pages in the Grant Applicant Toolkit’s DOT Discretionary Grants Dashboard, where you can search federal grant opportunities at USDOT and other federal agencies that can aid communities in meeting their transportation infrastructure needs.
Assistance for Local Emergency Response Training (ALERT)
The Assistance for Local Emergency Response Training (ALERT) program funds training for emergency responders to handle accidents or incidents involving the transportation of hazardous materials, particularly flammable liquids moved by rail.
Learn more about this grant opportunity on the DOT Discretionary Grants Dashboard’s Assistance for Local Emergency Response Training Program page.
Community Safety Grant (CSG)
The Community Safety Grant (CSG) program funds non-profits to conduct national outreach to communities in the preparation for and response to accidents and incidents involving the transportation of hazardous materials.
Learn more about this grant opportunity on the DOT Discretionary Grants Dashboard’s Community Safety Grant page.
Competitive Academic Agreement Program (CAAP)
The Competitive Academic Agreement Program (CAAP) funds research pursuing innovative equitable in several pipeline safety and integrity challenge areas.
Learn more about this grant opportunity on the DOT Discretionary Grants Dashboard’s Competitive Academic Agreement Program page.
Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness (HMEP) Grant for States and Territories
The Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness (HMEP) Grant for States and Territories supports planning and training activities which advance the safe transport of hazardous materials.
Learn more about this grant opportunity on the DOT Discretionary Grants Dashboard’s Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness Grant page.
Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness (HMEP) Tribal Grant
The Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness (HMEP) Tribal Grant program funds planning and training activities which advance the safe transport of hazardous materials on Tribal lands.
Learn more about this grant opportunity on the DOT Discretionary Grants Dashboard’s Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness Tribal Grant page.
Hazardous Materials Instructor Training Grants (HMIT)
The Hazardous Materials Instructor Training (HMIT) program funds both training and assistance to external organizations for the purposes of training HAZMAT employers and employees on the Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR), especially in underserved communities.
Learn more about this grant opportunity on the DOT Discretionary Grants Dashboard’s Hazardous Materials Instructor Training Program page.
Natural Gas Distribution Infrastructure Safety and Modernization Grant
The Natural Gas Distribution Infrastructure Safety and Modernization (NGDISM) program supports mitigating the risk profile of existing pipeline systems with pipes prone to leakage of methane, creating good-paying jobs.
Learn more about this grant opportunity on the DOT Discretionary Grants Dashboard’s Natural Gas Distribution Infrastructure Safety and Modernization Program page.
One Call Notification System Grants
The One-Call Notification System Grant program supports state agencies to increase damage prevention efforts, train and collect annual pipeline data, change state underground damage prevention laws, and educate the public to assist in reducing damages to underground pipelines (“do not dig”).
Learn more about this grant opportunity on the DOT Discretionary Grants Dashboard’s One Call Notification System Grants page.
Pipeline Emergency Response Grant
The Pipeline Emergency Response Grant (PERG) program supports planning and training activities for pipeline emergency responders and their communities, especially in high consequence areas.
Learn more about this grant opportunity on the DOT Discretionary Grants Dashboard’s Pipeline Emergency Response Grant page.
State Damage Prevention Program Grants
The State Damage Prevention (SDP) Program provides funding to establish, improve, or enforce state new or existing policies and programs which focus on stakeholder education and protecting underground pipeline facilities from excavation damage (“do not dig”).
Learn more about this grant opportunity on the DOT Discretionary Grants Dashboard’s State Damage Prevention Program page.
Supplemental Public Sector Training Grant
The Supplemental Public Sector Training (SPST) program extends the Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness (HMEP) grant by funding national nonprofit fire service organizations, which then train instructors to provide training to public-sector hazmat responders or those tasked with responding to accidents and incidents involving hazardous material.
Learn more about this grant opportunity on the DOT Discretionary Grants Dashboard’s Supplemental Public Sector Training page.
Technical Assistance Grants
The Technical Assistance Grants (TAGs) program supports local communities and groups of individuals to receive and provide technical assistance in pipeline safety, along with opportunities that strengthen the depth and quality of public participation in the safe operation of pipelines in and around communities.
Learn more about this grant opportunity on the DOT Discretionary Grants Dashboard’s Technical Assistance Grants page.