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U.S. Department of the Interior: Key Grant Programs

Agency Description

The mission of the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) includes protecting, managing, and studying the nation’s natural resources and cultural heritage, as well as honoring its trust responsibilities to Tribes, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, and affiliated island communities. Together, the U.S. Department of Transportation and U.S. Department of the Interior work as a team of stewards to balance the protection of natural, environmental, and cultural resources with public access.

The DOI grants featured here not only fund innovative solutions to transportation problems but also demonstrate program support of both the history and safety of traveling occupants. Transportation infrastructure makes it possible for rural communities—along with 500 million visitors per year—to conduct business, provide education, and enjoy recreation on Interior-managed lands.

Discretionary Grant Programs

Below are brief descriptions of DOI grant programs.

For more information on these opportunities, follow the links in each description, which lead to individual grant program pages in the Grant Applicant Toolkit’s DOT Discretionary Grants Dashboard, where you can search federal grant opportunities at USDOT and other federal agencies that can aid communities in meeting their transportation infrastructure needs.

Indian Highway Safety Law Enforcement Grants

The Indian Highway Safety Law Enforcement Grant program supplements traffic safety activities to address and prevent impaired driving on Tribal lands.

Learn more about this grant opportunity on the DOT Discretionary Grants Dashboard’s Indian Highway Safety Law Enforcement Grants page.

Indian Highway Safety Occupant Protection Grant

The Indian Highway Safety Occupant Protection Grant program supports initiatives which inform the public of seatbelt and child restraint usage to improve their use and enforcement in Tribal communities.

Learn more about this grant opportunity on the DOT Discretionary Grants Dashboard’s Indian Highway Safety Occupant Protection Grant page.

National Maritime Heritage Grant Program - Education Grants

The National Maritime Heritage Education Grant Program funds a variety of activities which will inform or engage the public in maritime history and culture.

Learn more about this grant opportunity on the DOT Discretionary Grants Dashboard’s National Maritime Heritage Education Grant page.

National Maritime Heritage Grant Program - Preservation Grants

The National Maritime Heritage Preservation Grant Program supports the identification, acquisition, maintenance, and recordation of historic marine resources for the purposes of preservation.

Learn more about this grant opportunity on the DOT Discretionary Grants Dashboard’s National Maritime Heritage Preservation Grant page.