DOT Rule 49 CFR Part 40 Section 40.35 Q&A
§40.35; 40.45; 40.345 09/01
How should the employer’s decision to have a C/TPA act as intermediary in the handling of drug test results be documented?
• When an employer chooses to use the C/TPA as the intermediary in the transmission of the MRO’s verified drug test results, this decision should be communicated from the employer to the MRO and the C/TPA.
• We advise the MRO to obtain some documentation of the employer’s decision prior to sending results through the C/TPA.
• Documentation could be in the form of a letter, an email, or record of a telephone conversation with the employer.
• DOT also recommends that MROs maintain listings of the names, addresses, and phone numbers of C/TPA points of contact.