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Highly Automated Systems Safety Center of Excellence

Highly automated transportation systems hold extraordinary promise—and new kinds of risk. Assessing safety implications is complex, especially when systems intersect across air, land, and water. Rapidly evolving technology requires nimble evaluation and validation.

Established by Congress, the U.S. Department of Transportation’s (USDOT’s) Highly Automated Systems Safety Center of Excellence (HASS COE) provides deep expertise and far-reaching insight as a central resource on automation for USDOT and its partners in academia and industry.

Illustration of a flag on a mountaintop

Who We Are

Vision, Congressional mandate, meet the staff

Illustration of a globe with connected points. To the bottom left of the globe is an illustration of a dart hitting a bullseye on a dartboard.

What We Offer

Focus areas, expertise, products and services


Illustration of three gender-neutral people, each with a talk bubble above their heads that merge. Inside the talk bubble are three circles connected by two lines.

Engage With Us

Current partnerships, collaboration opportunities

Illustration of a launching rocket ship


Current and past project spotlights, case studies



Workshop. Quantum Technologies in Transportation. July 10, 2024. Watch the recording.

Workshop. AI Assurance. May 29-30, 2024. Watch the recording.

Webinar. Quantum Technologies 101. May 28, 2024. Watch the recording.

Webinar. HASS Connects: Spotlight on Innovative Technology and Automation Deployment in Work Zones. April 17, 2024. Watch the recording.



Contact Us

Denise Bakar
Communications Manager

General Inquiries


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