The following resources are intended to help interested stakeholders prepare to apply for a Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) discretionary grant and conduct project planning and activities if awarded SS4A funding.
SS4A Application Aids
Application Materials
- Budget Templates: Implementation Grant Estimated Budget and Planning and Demonstration Grant Estimated Budget
- Self-Certification Eligibility Worksheet
- Standard Forms for Safe Streets and Roads for All Grants
Checklists, Guidance, and Instructions
- Action Plan Components (from NOFO Table 1)
- Application Checklists: Implementation Grant Checklist and Planning and Demonstration Grant Checklist
- Calculating Average Annual Fatality Rate
- Calculating Percentage of Population in Underserved Communities
- Costs and Contracting Fact Sheet
- Crosswalk: SS4A and Safety Plan Templates
- Matching Funds for SS4A Grants
- Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for FY24 SS4A Grants
- Pre-Application Action Plan Review
- Project Area Crash Data Fact Sheet for Implementation Grants
- SS4A: What’s New in 2024?
- Standard Forms (SF) Fact Sheet
For further application guidance, visit the How to Apply page and read the FY24 SS4A NOFO.
Grant Assistance
- Bipartisan Infrastructure Law – Technical Assistance and Local Support (FHWA)
- DOT Navigator (USDOT)
- Grants 101 (
- Register for a System for Award Management (SAM) Number (
- Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (2 CFR Part 200)
- Rural Grant Applicant Toolkit for Competitive Federal Transportation Funding (USDOT)
Safe System Approach
- National Roadway Safety Strategy (USDOT)
- Office of Safety (FHWA)
- Zero Deaths – Saving Lives through a Safety Culture and a Safe System (FHWA)
- Vision Zero Toolkit (FHWA)
- Vision Zero Community of Practice (FHWA)
- Complete Streets (FHWA)
- A Safe System-Based Framework and Analytical Methodology for Assessing Intersections (FHWA)
- Primer on Safe System Approach for Pedestrians and Bicyclists (FHWA)
- Recommendations of the Safe System Consortium (Johns Hopkins School of Public Health)
- Road to Zero: Safe System Strategic Plan (FHWA)
Understanding the Issue
- National Roadway Safety Strategy, Pages 1-2 and 7-9 (USDOT)
- U.S. Department of Transportation Equity Action Plan (USDOT)
- Equity in Roadway Safety (FHWA)
- Noteworthy Practices on Equity in Safety (Search "Equity in Safety") (FHWA)
- Transportation Equity Overview (FHWA)
- Prioritizing Health Equity in Vision Zero Planning (Vision Zero Network)
Implementation Strategies
- Integrating the Safe System Approach with the Highway Safety Improvement Program (FHWA)
- Accessible Shared Streets: Notable Practices and Considerations for Accommodating Pedestrians with Vision Disabilities (FHWA)
- Pursuing Equity in Pedestrian and Bicycle Planning (FHWA)
- Framework for Better Integrating Health into Transportation Corridor Planning (FHWA)
- Small Town and Rural Multimodal Networks (FHWA)
- CDC Transportation Recommendations (CDC)
- Vision Zero Equity Strategies for Practitioners (Vision Zero Network)
Data Sources for Identifying Problems
- SS4A Underserved Communities Census Tracts (Historically Disadvantaged Communities) (USDOT)
- EJScreen: Environmental Justice Screening and Mapping Tool (EPA)
- FHWA - HEPGIS Maps: Socioeconomics and Equity Analysis (FHWA)
- Social Vulnerability Index (CDC)
Comprehensive Safety Action Planning
Identifying Stakeholders and Building a Task Force
- Collaborating Across Departments to Achieve Vision Zero (Vision Zero Network)
Identifying Problems and Setting Goals
- Explore Census Data (U.S. Census Bureau)
- Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) (NHTSA)
- Fatality and Injury Reporting System Tool (FIRST) (NHTSA)
- State Traffic Safety Information (STSI) (NHTSA)
- National Emergency Medical Services Information System (NHTSA)
- Statistical Products and Data (USDOT BTS)
- Roadway Safety Data Dashboards (FHWA)
- Highway Safety Information System (FHWA)
- Analysis & Information Online (FMCSA)
- Road Safety Audits (FHWA)
- Road Safety Audit Toolkit for Federal Land Management Agencies and Tribal Governments (FHWA)
- Indian Health Service Injury Prevention Program (IHS)
Developing an Action Plan
- Fundamentals of Vision Zero Action Planning (Vision Zero Network)
- Guidelines for an Effective Vision Zero Action Plan (Vision Zero Network)
- Nine Components of a Strong Vision Zero Commitment (Vision Zero Network)
- Transportation Safety Planning and the Zero Deaths Vision: A Guide for Metropolitan Planning Organizations and Local Communities (FHWA)
- Complete Streets Transformations (FHWA)
- Lessons Learned from Development of Vision Zero Action Plans (FHWA)
- Do-It-Yourself Local Road Safety Plan (FHWA)
- Strategic Transportation Safety Plan Toolkit for Tribal Governments (FHWA)
- A Champion’s Guidebook to Saving Lives (FHWA)
- Integrating Planning and NEPA - Planning and Environmental Linkages (FHWA)
- Advice for Integrating Post Crash Care (NEMSAC/NHTSA)
Selecting Countermeasures and Strategies
- Proven Safety Countermeasures (FHWA)
- Intersection Safety (FHWA)
- Roadway Departure Safety (FHWA)
- Countermeasures That Work (NHTSA)
- Highway-Rail Grade Crossing and Trespassing Research (FRA)
- Our Roads, Our Safety (FMCSA)
- Bicycle and Pedestrian Program (FHWA)
- Achieving Multimodal Networks: Applying Design Flexibility and Reducing Conflicts (FHWA)
- Measuring Multimodal Network Connectivity (FHWA)
- Bicycle and Pedestrian Facility Design Flexibility (FHWA)
- Manual on Pedestrian and Bicycle Connections to Transit (FTA)
- Crash Modification Factors Clearinghouse (FHWA)
- A Systemic Approach to Safety - Using Risk to Drive Action (FHWA)
- Tribal Road Safety (CDC)
- Bureau of Indian Affairs Indian Highway Safety Program (BIA IHSP)
Case Studies, Noteworthy Practices, and Local Examples
- Roadway Safety Noteworthy Practices (FHWA)
- Case Studies on Implementing the Safe System Approach in the U.S. (ITE)
Evaluating Demonstration Activities
- Evaluation Toolkit for Quick-Build Pilots and Demonstration Activities (Barr Foundation)
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