Eligible Applicants for SS4A
The Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) discretionary grant program is focused on improving roadway safety for all users by reducing and eliminating serious injury and fatal crashes through comprehensive safety action plans (referred to as “Action Plans”) and their subsequent implementation.
To learn more about eligibility requirements for SS4A and to determine if you can apply, please consider the following:
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Eligible Applicants
The following groups of applicants are eligible for the SS4A grant program:
- A political subdivision of a State or territory, defined in the fiscal year (FY) 2024 Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) as a unit of government created under the authority of State law. This includes cities, towns, counties, special districts, certain transit agencies, and similar units of local government created under State law.
- A federally recognized Tribal government.
- Metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs).
- A multijurisdictional group of entities from the ones described above (select one lead applicant from group).
Clarification on “Political Subdivision of a State”
The SS4A program has received numerous questions about what constitutes a “political subdivision of a State or territory” as an eligible applicant. The categories below address some of these specific questions.
In addition to this guidance, to determine if you qualify as a “political subdivision of a State or territory”:
- Refer to your State’s laws. Each State legislature has a website with a list of statutes and codes.
- Consult your legal department. You may have a legal expert among your staff with knowledge of your State’s laws.
Regional Planning Commissions and Councils of Governments
A regional planning commission or council of governments created as a political subdivision of a State is an eligible applicant.
Multijurisdictional entities comprised of eligible applicants such as cities and counties are also eligible applicants.
Transit Agencies
Transit districts, authorities, or public benefit corporations that are not operated directly by the State DOT are eligible. This includes transit authorities operated by a political subdivision of a State.
Tribal Consortiums
Tribal consortiums are eligible and encouraged to apply.
One of the program’s priorities is ensuring investment in the safety needs of underserved communities, including Tribal communities.
Universities, School Districts, and Public Health Entities
A State university, school district, or local public health agency is an eligible applicant if it is a political subdivision of a State, as defined above.
Non-Eligible Applicants
The following applicants are not eligible for the SS4A grant program:
- State-level agencies (e.g., State Departments of Transportation).
- Political subdivisions not created under the authority of State law.
- Nonprofit organizations, unless created under State law as a political subdivision with roadway safety and/or planning responsibilities equivalent to a political subdivision of a State.
- Private-sector entities.
- All other organizations or entities not listed under eligible applicants.
State Agencies
State Departments of Transportation, State Highway Administrations, and State Highway Safety Offices are not eligible for SS4A grants. However, eligible applicants are encouraged to partner with State entities, as appropriate.
A recipient may establish an arrangement with a State DOT or another State or local governmental entity to administer an SS4A grant so long as that arrangement complies with State and local law. Under 2 CFR 200.331, the recipient must determine whether such arrangement is contractual, such as an interagency agreement, or a subgrant. As provided at 2 CFR 200.300(b), the recipient is responsible for compliance with all Federal requirements applicable to the award. States will not have direct funding relationships with USDOT.
U.S. Territories
U.S. territories are considered to be States for the purposes of SS4A eligibility and are not eligible to apply for SS4A funding. However, subdivisions of territories (e.g., municipalities, towns, counties) are eligible applicants.
Consultants and Private-Sector Agencies
Consultants and private-sector agencies are not eligible to be the applicant for the SS4A program. However, eligible applicants may employ consultant services to help prepare applications and/or as part of implementing a grant award.
Procurement of any contractors, pre- or post-award, should adhere to the procurement standards set forth in 2 CFR 200.318–200.327 and any applicable Federal requirements such as the cost principles set forth in 2 CFR 200 subpart E, including 2 CFR 200.401 and 2 CFR 200.403.
Please note that funds spent prior to the execution of a grant agreement between the grant recipient and USDOT are not eligible for reimbursement or to count toward local match under the grant unless otherwise authorized by USDOT.
Different Offices within the Same Jurisdiction
An eligible applicant may submit only one application to the funding opportunity (either a Planning and Demonstration Grant or an Implementation Grant). In most cases, different offices within a jurisdiction would be considered as the same applicant (e.g., the public works, police, and planning departments within a jurisdiction cannot each apply separately).