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I-49 S. Ambassador Caffery/US 90 Interchange near Broussard in Lafayette Parish

Mpa of US 90 /I-49 and highlights on segments to be improved.
Alternate Project Name
US 90 and Ambassador Caffery Blvd. and US 90 and Albertson Parkway
Project Type
Roads and Bridges
Financing Type
Credit Agreement Executed
Louisiana State Bond Commission for the benefit of the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (LADOTD)
Project Description


The project, approximately 2.4 miles in length, includes new two-lane frontage roads and construction of mainline interchange structures at the intersection of US 90 and Ambassador Caffery Blvd and US 90 and Albertson Parkway. Bridge structures will also be required for the mainline and service roads to traverse a BNSF railroad line. All roadway elements will be designed based on 20-year traffic projections and interstate standards. All bridges will have a structural design life of 75 years.   The Albertson Parkway section of the project completed construction in October 2019.

The project is located in the City of Broussard, Louisiana, in Lafayette Parish. This area is included in the Urbanized Area of the Acadian Metropolitan Planning Commission.  

Project Details
TIFIA Assistance
Project Cost
Fiscal Year Closed
Project Delivery/Contract Method
DBB to be awarded, party not yet selected
Project Participants
Louisiana State Bond Commission will be the Borrower on behalf of the State. Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development will be responsible for the project. Construction •
Project Advisers/Consultants
To Borrower:
• Financial Advisor: Lamont Financial Services Corp, and
Ernst & Young Infrastructure Advisors
• Legal: Foley & Jubell, LLP

To USDOT Build America Bureau:
• Financial Advisor: PFM Financial Advisors
• Legal Advisor: White & Case LLP
Application Details
Credit Agreement Executed
Estimated Project Cost
TIFIA Request
Instrument Type
Direct Loan