Department of Transportation Advisory Committee on Human Trafficking
The Department of Transportation Advisory Committee on Human Trafficking (ACHT) makes triennial recommendations to the Secretary of Transportation on countering human trafficking in the transportation sector. The ACHT was most recently rechartered on July 29, 2024, as a requirement of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (P. L. 117-58).
The ACHT was initially established as mandated by Sec. 5(a) of the 2018 Combating Human Trafficking in Commercial Vehicles Act (P.L. 115-99). Sec. 23020 of the Act requires the Secretary of Transportation, acting through the ACHT and in coordination with the Attorney General, to submit a triennial counter-trafficking report with recommendations for countering human trafficking, an assessment of best practices by transportation stakeholders, and human trafficking violations involving commercial motor vehicles.
Committee Membership
The ACHT is comprised of 15 members appointed by the Secretary of Transportation to serve for the life of the committee. The members of the ACHT include a cross-section of stakeholders from both industry and labor, including representatives from the aviation, bus, law enforcement, maritime, port, rail, and trucking sectors.
While the Federal Register Notice to solicit nominations for membership closed on October 7, 2022, the Department will continue to accept nominations under this notice to fill any vacancies that may arise.
For more information about the ACHT, view the following:
- Chairperson: Rabbi David Saperstein, Special Government Employee; Director Emeritus and Senior Advisor for Policy and Strategy, Religious Action Center on Reform Judaism
- Vice Chair: Esther Goetsch, Executive Director, Truckers Against Trafficking
- Earlyne Alexander, Supplier Diversity Compliance Manager, Port Authority of NY & NJ
- Sam Cho, Commissioner, Port of Seattle
- Mary Dirksen, Senior HR Policy Analyst, Oregon Department of Transportation
- Casey French, Deputy District Attorney, San Diego County District Attorney's Office
- Heather Healy, Director of Employee Assistance Programs, Association of Flight Attendants-CWA, AFL-CIO
- Annika Huff, Special Government Employee; Survivor Advocate Expert
- Michael Krumm, Lieutenant Colonel, Michigan State Police
- James Lewis, Communications Manager, Amtrak Police Department
- Shamere McKenzie, Special Government Employee; CEO, Sun Gate Foundation
- Leslie Richards, CEO, Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority
- Derrick Waters, CEO, Coach USA
- Brad White, Associate Director of Safety, Werner Enterprises
- Tiffany Wlazlowski Neuman, Vice President, Public Affairs, NATSO
*Special Government Employees contribute to the ACHT as subject matter experts rather than as representatives of their organizations
Training & Awareness Subcommittee
- Chairperson: Michael Krumm, Lieutenant Colonel, Michigan State Police
- Vice Chairperson: Scott Alexander, International Relations Director, Houston Airports
- Lori Cohen, Chief Executive Officer, Protect All Children from Trafficking
- Heather Healy, Director of Employee Assistance Programs, Association of Flight Attendants-CWA, AFL-CIO
- Margo Hill, Associate Professor, Eastern Washington University; SURTCOM Principal Investigator
- Annika Huff, Special Government Employee; Survivor Advocate Expert
- Derrick Waters, Chief Executive Officer, Coach USA
- Brad White, Associate Director of Safety, Werner Enterprises
Policies and Partnerships Subcommittee
- Chairperson: Sam Cho, Commissioner, Port of Seattle
- Vice Chairperson: Jessica Power, Chief Safety Office for Bus and Rail, Trinity Metro
- Mary Dirksen, Senior HR Policy Analyst, Oregon Department of Transportation
- Casey French, Deputy District Attorney, San Diego County District Attorney's Office
- Herman Horton, Chief of Police, Department of Public Safety, Jackson State University
- Donna Hubbard, Special Government Employee; Executive Director, Woman at the Well Transition Center; Training Director, Airline Ambassadors International; Flight Attendant, American Airlines
- Jim Lewis, Communications Manager; Amtrak Police Department
- Tiffany Wlazlowski Neuman, Vice President, Public Affairs; NATSO
Research & Data Subcommittee
- Chairperson: Leslie Richards, Chief Executive Officer, Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority
- Earlyne Alexander, Supplier Diversity Compliance Manager, Port Authority of NY & NJ
- Lori Ann Chaussinand, Southeast Regional Account Manager, Pilot Flying J
- Erin DiCesare, Associate Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies, Johnson C. Smith University
- Shamere McKenzie, Special Government Employee; Chief Executive Officer, Sun Gate Foundation
- Kezban Yagci Sokat, Assistant Professor of Business Analytics, San Jose State University
*Special Government Employees contribute to the ACHT as subject matter experts rather than as representatives of their organizations
- Aviation
- General
- Law Enforcement
- Maritime and Ports
- Research
- State Agencies
- Transit, Rail, and Buses
- Trucking, Truck Stop, and Travel Centers