49 CFR Part 26 Sample Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program
The Department of Transportation (DOT) has prepared this sample program to help recipients comply with 49 CFR Part 26, the DOT DBE rule. We published Part 26 in the Federal Register on February 2,1999, and it became effective March 4 (64 F.R. 5096). It made extensive revisions to DOT's DBE program, formally administered under 49 CFR Part 23.
This sample program supersedes guidance issued by the operation administrations under former part 23. It does not address the separate DBE program for airport concessionaires, which continues to be administered in accordance with 49 CFR Part 23. We are providing this sample DBE program for informational purposes, and recipients are not required to use it or its format. However, recipients may wish to use it as a guide in preparing their program documents. Recipients may customize the sample program to fit their circumstances. T
he three DOT operating administrations with DBE program responsibilities - the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Federal Transit Administration (FTA), and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) - may provide additional guidance for program matters that are specific to their programs. This sample program should, however, lead to greater consistency among recipients' submissions. At a number of points, the sample program refers to provisions of part 26. Recipients may quote referenced portions of the rule in their program if they wish, but they are not required to do so. The sample program also provides language for some documents that are part of the program (e.g. policy statements, contract clauses). Except where otherwise noted, recipients are not required to use this language, and may use their own language as long as it meets regulatory requirements.
In the sample program, we have put instructions and notes in italics. Recipients would not put this italicized material into their program documents. You may obtain an electronic version of this document, the DBE regulation themselves and other DOT guidance here.
The General Counsel of the Department of Transportation has reviewed this document and approved it as consistent with the language and intent of 49 CFR part 26.