Build America Bureau
The Build America Bureau (National Surface Transportation and Innovative Finance Bureau), advances investment in America’s transportation infrastructure by lending federal funds to qualified borrowers; clearing roadblocks for creditworthy projects; encouraging best practices in project planning, financing, and delivery; and fully using available lending capacity while protecting taxpayer resources. The Bureau draws on expertise and resources throughout the Department to serve as the point of coordination for states, municipalities, and project sponsors interested in federal transportation credit assistance, access to private capital, or private activity bonds (PABs). The Bureau offers technical assistance and grant programs to support project planning, development, and financing strategies to deliver transformative infrastructure in the United States. The Bureau develops DOT-wide policies to improve transportation infrastructure financing and project delivery and initiatives to facilitate public and private financing approaches across transportation modes and asset types.
The Executive Director is the Bureau leader and exercises executive direction over three subordinate offices:
Office of Technical Assistance: Develops, executes, and manages technical assistance programs, including discretionary grants, contracts, and direct assistance; coordinates technical assistance within DOT and with other federal agencies to provide integrated customer experiences; develops and disseminates information to help customers prepare applications for DOT financial assistance; and increases awareness, understanding, and use of best practices in meaningful public involvement and program and project planning, development, financing, delivery, maintenance, and operation to advance transformative transportation projects. The Office of Technical Assistance helps enable under-resourced communities access infrastructure funding and financing.
Office of Outreach and Project Development: Introduces potential customers and stakeholders to Bureau programs, products, and services; identifies opportunities for project sponsors to combine innovative project delivery and grants, loans, and private capital to accelerate infrastructure; determines sponsor and project eligibility for Bureau financing assistance; and promotes compliance with applicable federal requirements (such as transportation planning, environmental review, Build America Buy America, and prevailing wages) and DOT strategic goals.
Office of Credit Programs: Conducts the Bureau’s risk management, underwriting, and portfolio management programs to advance creditworthy projects and protect taxpayer resources and the public interest.