Resource Directorate and Program Directorate
The Resource Directorate serves as the focal point for resource oversight for the Office of the Under Secretary and the organizational offices; OST-P, OST-X, OST-Z, OST-F and OST-R offices. The Resource Directorate is a direct report of the Executive Director, S3. The Administrative Officer and Primary Fund Certification functions are executed by the Resource Directorate. The staff develops and executes resource policies, plans, and procedures to manage all aspects of program integration, organizational and fiscal resource management.
The Resource Directorate coordinates with appropriate organizational leads and each Office’s Directors and functional managers to ensure compliance and alignment with current government policies and regulations and ensure optimal use of all forms of resources. The staff works directly with management officials in each office to analyze monetary commitments to maximize fiscal resources, while forecasting the impact of current and future financial expenditures. The staff directly advises top management on correspondence policy and budget program integration. The staff works with top management to recruit, develop and retain a diverse workforce while advising management on defining organizational structure and skill competencies required to support office goals and strategically forecast current workforce trends to optimize current staff levels . Page space should be deleted.
The Program Directorate develops program activity in support of programs that span across the larger organization or require implementation of a congressional requirement requiring consistencies across the enterprise.