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Monthly Billing Reports

Are you familiar with the monthly billing reports that are available to you?

Each month TRANServe provides our customers with reporting on the previous month’s fiscal requirements and benefit usage. Some of the billing reports that we issue are:

  • TRANServe Account Activity Statement

    • Includes the total sum of all billed fare media, mailing cost, the management fee for the stated month, distribution fees, credits and a total amount to be billed for the stated month.

  • SmartBenefits Detail Report

    • Includes pick up information for all SmartBenefits participants only along with accounting code  information.

  • Customer Statement Transit Benefits

    • This report includes the most current and up to date list of advances and bills for the stated agency’s line of accounting as indicated on their TRANServe IAA.

  • Alpha Listing

    • This report includes a total alphabetical listing of all active participants as of the 1st of the stated month.

  • Addition Alpha Listing

    • This report includes an alphabetical listing of participants that were added or enrolled into the TRANServe database within the stated month.

  • Withdrawn Alpha Listing

    • This report includes an alphabetical listing of participants that were withdrawn or removed from the TRANServe database within the stated month.

If you would like more information regarding your monthly billing reports or would like a customized report added to the reports you currently receive, please contact your Transit Benefit Manager.