Data Inventory
About the Data
Since September 2010, DOT has been publishing a list of our publicly available data sets on this website and on In November 2013 we published this new Data Inventory page. Publication of this new page meets the requirements of the Open Data Policy and DOT’s commitment in its Open Government Plan. You may notice that our new inventory is a little smaller than our listings. In building our November 2013 public data listing, we cleaned up several broken links for our State Traffic Safety Information datasets – eliminating 480 broken links and replacing them with three much larger and more useful datasets. We will continue to enrich, expand, and open our data inventory. We plan to have all of our data listed by November 30, 2014. You can read more about our plans to grow our data inventory on our Digital Strategy pages.
Identification & Prioritization Process
As DOT develops our data inventory, each data set will be scored using our Interim Identification & Prioritization Process and Guidelines (v1.0). The guidelines serve as the Department’s method for identifying high-value data sets. DOT’s data release policy addresses protections for security, privacy, confidentiality, and other traditional concerns that may warrant redaction of some information in our datasets. Identification of a data set in our inventory does not mean that we will release the entire data set without appropriate redactions.
We welcome feedback on our data inventory. You are invited to provide comments and suggestions to may also download this list of data sets in project open data JSON format.
Key Senior Evidence and Data Officials
Chief Data Officer: Daniel Morgan
Evaluation Officer: John Giorgis
Read more about John Giorgis
Statistical Official: Patricia S. Hu
Read more about Patricia S. Hu
Agency Data Governance
The Department is developing its data governance body charter and working to formalize membership and meeting cadence. This page will be updated as these items are being finalized.
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