Tribal Transportation Program Safety Fund (TTPSF)
General Grant Program Information
The Tribal Transportation Program Safety Fund (TTPSF) is targeted to address the higher rates of fatal injuries associated with transportation for the Native American and Alaska Native populations of our country.
Eligibility Information
Eligible applicants are limited to federally recognized Tribes.
Eligible uses include projects in the categories of developing or updating transportation safety plans, crash data assessment, improvement, and analysis activities, systemic roadway departure countermeasures, and infrastructure improvements, and other eligible activities as listed in 23 U.S.C. 148(a)(4). Projects must involve public roads (with related strategies and activities) as described in section 148(a)(4) that are consistent with a transportation safety plan and that seek to correct or improve a hazardous road location or feature or address a highway safety problem. TTPSF emphasizes the development of strategic transportation safety plans using a data-driven process as a means for Tribes to identify transportation safety needs and determine how those needs will be addressed in Tribal communities.
Funding Information
The TTPSF program provides annual funding ranging from up to $23.1 million in FY 2022 to up to $25.1 million in FY 2026. There is no match or cost-sharing requirement for this grant. Individual award amounts vary.
Contact Information
Adam Larsen
Safety Program Manager, FHWA Office of Tribal Transportation
The Dashboard provides users with a high-level overview of relevant Federal discretionary grant programs. The information in the Dashboard is maintained as a secondary resource and may not be updated with the most recent changes to each program's primary guidance materials. Accordingly, please refer to the Federal grant-making agency for the most comprehensive and up-to-date information on a grant opportunity in the Dashboard.
Last updated: Monday, May 22, 2023