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Local Development Districts Community Support Pilot Program

General Grant Program Information

The Local Development Districts (LDD) Community Support Pilot Program is a non-competitive grant program open to the 45 LDDs in the Delta Regional Authority's (DRA) service area.

This program targets capacity-building and community support resources to LDDs that are helping economically distressed, isolated areas of distress, and persistent poverty communities navigate federal, state, and other resources that impact economic and community development. The program is designed to enhance the region’s resiliency and ability to compete for and leverage resources.

The program is funded through President Biden's Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.

Opportunity Status:
Posted Date:
Close Date:
Eligible Applicants:
Local Governments
Eligible Activities:
Technical Assistance, Workforce Development, and Training/Education
Transportation Type:
Air Maritime Railway Roadway Transit
Most Recent Annual Program Funding Amount:
$2.97 Million
Links to Additional Information:
Other Federal Agencies / Delta Regional Authority (DRA)

Eligibility Information

The LDD Pilot Program will make fixed amount grants to LDDs in FY 2023 and FY 2024 to advance planning and technical assistance activities in their respective regions. Primary objectives of the pilot program are to enhance the operational capacity of LDDs and to increase the total amount of federal and state funding sources awarded and/or leveraged within the LDD’s multicounty region of jurisdiction.  

We expect this investment to result in an

  • Increase in the number of applications for federal, state, and/or DRA funding submitted by the LDD, 
  • Increase in the total dollar amount of federal funding received within the LDD’s region, 
  • Increase in the total amount of matching funds leveraged within the LDD’s region, 
  • Increase in the number of federal agencies or federal programs to which applications for funding were submitted, and 
  • Increase in the number of persistent poverty counties/parishes to which these applications are submitted.

Funding Information

This two-year pilot program is designed to increase the region’s competitiveness to take advantage of the Federal funding being made available through the CARES Act, American Rescue Plan Act, BIL, disaster supplemental bills, and the annual appropriations process.

Contact Information

Technical questions about the Request for Proposals should be directed to with the subject line “LDD Pilot Program RFP.” Include the contact name, applicant organization, and phone number in the body of your email.

The Dashboard provides users with a high-level overview of relevant Federal discretionary grant programs. The information in the Dashboard is maintained as a secondary resource and may not be updated with the most recent changes to each program's primary guidance materials. Accordingly, please refer to the Federal grant-making agency for the most comprehensive and up-to-date information on a grant opportunity in the Dashboard.

Last updated Date: