ADS Grant Overview
The Automated Driving System (ADS) Demonstration Grants Program – Public Law 115- 141, Division L, Title I – appropriated funding for a “highly automated vehicle research and development program” to fund planning, direct research, and demonstration grants for Automated Driving Systems and other driving automation systems and technologies.
Of the total amount provided, $60,000,000 must be used for demonstration grants that test the safe integration of ADS into our Nation’s on-road transportation system.
Goals of the ADS Demonstration grants:
- Safety: Test the safe integration of ADS into the nation’s on-road transportation system.
- Data for Safety Analysis and Rulemaking: Ensure significant data gathering and sharing of project data with USDOT and the public throughout the project in near real time.
- Collaboration: Work with innovative State and local governments and private partners to create collaborative environments that harness the collective expertise, ingenuity, and knowledge of multiple stakeholders
View the Notice of Funding Opportunity at this LINK.
U.S. DOT conducted an Informational Webinar on the ADS Demonstration Grants Program on January 24, 2019. Content presented during the webinar are provided below.