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Minnesota Multimodal Freight Network Tables

Highway Multimodal Freight Network Routes
StateRoute NumberStart PointEnd PointLength (Miles)Begin MilepostEnd Milepost
MNI35IA/MN LineI35W88.630.00220.29
MNI35WI6943.67 Miles South of I6943.670.009.60
MNI90SD/MN LineI35159.800.00275.55
MNI94ND/MN LineI694 (West)258.720.00258.72
MNI94I694 (East)MN/WI Line9.96--
MNU10MP 147MP 190.843.51147.30190.81
MNU53I94MP 7.471.286.197.47
MNU63I90MP 33.072.2830.7933.07
MNS118MP 226.91I3512.02226.91238.93
MNS13S 101MP 997.0491.9799.01
MNS194U53MP 2.3712.370.002.37
Interstate, US Route and State Route Total812.79n/an/a
StateRoute NumberStart PointEnd PointLength (Miles)
Urban Streets and Miscellaneous Ramps Total6.30
Total Freight Network Routes819.09

Highway Multimodal Freight Network Intermodal Connectors
StateFacility IDFacility NameFacility DescriptionLength (Miles)
MNMN10BDuluth Transit Authority Pulse Transit HubFrom I-35 via Mesaba Ave - Superior St - Lake Ave to I-352.38
MNMN1AMinneapolis/St. Paul AirportTH 5 (TH 55 to Post Rd)0.88
MNMN2ARochester International AirportRochester Airport access road from US 63 westerly to Brataas Dr0.86
MNMN3ADuluth AirportFrom U.S. 53/SR 194: N 0.8 mi on Haines Road (CR 91) to Airport Rd1.49
MNMN4PPort of Duluth M. Clure Public TerminalGarfield Ave/Port Terminal Rd (I-535 to the terminal)1.59
Connector Total7.20

Highway Multimodal Freight Network STRAHNET Connectors
StateFacility IDFacility NameFacility DescriptionLength (Miles)
MNMIL_MN1P1Infantry RdInfantry Rd S to MN 115, MN 115 E to MN 371, MN 371 S to US 10, US 10 S to MN 24, MN 24 W to I-9411.99
Connector Total11.99

Highway Multimodal Freight Network Border Crossings
StatePort ID Crossing Name

Multimodal Rail Freight Network Routes
StateRoute Miles

Top Ports - Total Tonnage
StatePort NameDomestic TonnageForeign Tonnage ImportForeign Tonnage ExportTotal Tonnage
MNTwo Harbors, MN16,579,5010129,97816,709,479
MNSilver Bay, MN4,238,2180925,7575,163,975
MNSt. Paul, MN4,625,377004,625,377
MN and WIDuluth-Superior, MN and WI28,729,476659,8867,087,89536,477,257

Top Ports Total Container TEUs Loaded
StatePort NameDomestic TEUs Loaded InboundDomestic TEUs Loaded OutboundForeign TEUs Loaded ImportForeign TEUs Loaded ExportTotal TEUs Loaded

Tonnage Shipped
StateTotal TonnageDomestic Tonnage Shipped to StateDomestic Tonnage Shipped From StateDomestic Tonnage Shipped IntrastateForeign Tonnage Shipped to StateForeign Tonnage Shipped from State

Marine Highways
MNM-35 CorridorThe M-35, which can commonly be referred to as "Waterway of the Saints" Marine Highway Corridor, links the Upper Mississippi River with the existing M-55 Corridor. The M-35 Corridor runs from Lock/Mile 1 on the Mississippi River in Minneapolis, MN to the confluence of the Mississippi and Illinois Rivers in Grafton, Illinois, where the M-55 Corridor begins. Together, the M-35 and M-55 provide an all-water route from the beginning of the Mississippi River to the Gulf of Mexico.Corridor

Domestic Waterway Routes
StateRiver NameLength (Miles)

Cargo Airports
StateLocation IDCityAirport NameT-100/T-100(f) Market Destination (lbs)T-100 RankAll Cargo Landed (lbs)All Cargo Rank
MNMSPMinneapolisMinneapolis-St Paul International/Wold-Chamberlain222,768,75926732,663,07230