Rulemaking Requirements
The Rulemaking Handbook is a summary of the requirements imposed on DOT as it implements its responsibilities for rulemaking. This document was originally prepared for the DOT professionals who are involved in the rulemaking process. We have decided to make it available to the public to help you better understand how the process works and the requirements with which we must comply. We also hope it will make it easier for you to participate effectively in the rulemaking process.
We want to stress, however, that this document provides only a summary of what we believe are the important requirements. It should not be relied on as a legal document. There are hyperlinks to give you easy access to the statutes, executive orders, guidance documents, memoranda, etc. that are cited, and you should refer to those for the actual legal requirements. We also want to note that the document cites some internal DOT guidance manuals. These manuals are frequently supplemented with internal memoranda, emails, or even oral advice, and without this additional information, the manuals could be misleading or confusing; for that reason, we have not provided an online link to them.