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Spectrum Policy, Planning and Analysis

DOT’s Role in Federal Spectrum Management

The Office of the Secretary of Transportation coordinates spectrum policy, among DOT modal administrations, and interacts with other Federal Agencies, including the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) to support national spectrum policy. Day-to-day responsibility for spectrum management is handled by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for aviation and space transportation issues and by OST-R for cross-modal transportation issues such as positioning, navigation, and timing, as well as surface transportation.

DOT's policy is to establish systems that meet the needs of the public by facilitating efficient and safe transportation and supporting national security. Use of the radio frequency spectrum is vital to the support of DOT programs, operations, and services to the traveling public. DOT looks to each operating administration to follow a formal process to evaluate spectrum needs as it determines, in the light of its responsibilities and national and departmental strategies, the extent to which radio frequency equipment is required to carry out its missions.

Spectrum Policy, Planning and Analysis