Civil Global Positioning System Service Interface Committee
The Civil Global Positioning System Service Interface Committee (CGSIC) is the recognized worldwide forum for effective interaction between all civil GPS users and the U.S. GPS authorities. It was established and chartered to identify civil GPS user needs (e.g. navigation, timing, and positioning) and exchange information concerning GPS with the civil user community in support of DOT’s civil GPS leadership role. OST-R chairs the CGSIC and the U.S. Coast Guard Navigation Center (NAVCEN) serves as Deputy Chair and Secretariat of the CGSIC. In fulfilling this responsibility, the CGSIC reports its activities to Office of the Assistant Secretary for Transportation for Research and Technology.
The USCG Navigation Center coordinates and manages the Civil GPS Service Interface Committee (CGSIC) as part of the Department of Transportation's program to respond to the needs of civil GPS users, and to integrate GPS into civil sector applications. CGSIC comprises members from U.S. and international private, government, and industry user groups. An Executive Panel is comprised of the Chair, Deputy Chair, Subcommittee Chairs and representatives from several different transportation modes. Four subcommittees, the International Information Subcommittee, the Timing Subcommittee, the U.S. States and Local Government Subcommittee, and the Survey, Mapping, and Geo-Sciences Subcommittee focus on specific user groups.
The CGSIC meets annually and is open to anyone interested in civil GPS issues. Membership in CGSIC is free and there is no fee to attend any CGSIC meeting. Summary records of CGSIC meetings are available from this website. Information from CGSIC members and meetings is provided to United States GPS authorities for consideration in GPS policy development and GPS service operation.
Committee Officers:
- Chair: Karen Van Dyke, Director, Positioning, Navigation and Timing Program, DOT/OST-R
- Deputy Chair: CAPT William J. Burns, Commanding Officer, NAVCEN
- International Deputy Chair: John Wilde, DW International, United Kingdom
- Executive Secretariat: Rick Hamilton, GPS Information Analysis Team Lead, NAVCEN