Data Systems Guidance
The DOT|TRCC’s modal members have developed a variety of guidance documents and voluntary standards that can help States improve the management, quality, and analysis of their traffic safety data.
NHTSA: Model Minimum Uniform Crash Criteria (MMUCC)
The Model Minimum Uniform Crash Criteria Guideline (MMUCC) is a minimum, standardized data set for describing motor vehicle crashes and the vehicles, persons and environment involved. The Guideline is designed to generate the information necessary to improve highway safety within each state and nationally. For more information on MMUCC, click here.
FHWA: Model Inventory of Roadway Elements (MIRE)
The Model Inventory of Roadway Elements, is a recommended listing of roadway inventory and traffic elements critical to safety management. MIRE is intended as a guideline to help transportation agencies improve their roadway and traffic data inventories. It provides a basis for a standard of what can be considered a good/robust data inventory and helps agencies move towards the use of performance measures. More detailed roadway data are also needed by State and local DOTs as they implement their strategic highway safety plans and make safety assessments of various roadway treatments. For more information on MIRE, click here.
NHTSA: Model Performance Measures for State Traffic Records Systems
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration compiled a collection of 61 performance measures to help States better quantify improvements to their traffic records systems. These performance measures were crafted with substantial input from a group of 35 experts with experience in at least one of the six core State traffic records systems. The measures are intended for use by Federal, State, and local governments to monitor the development and implementation of traffic record data systems, strategic plans, and data improvement grant processes. For the full report, click here.
FHWA: Performance Measures for Roadway Inventory Data
Performance measures are tools that can help to measure data quality and be used by States to establish goals for data quality improvement. The Model Performance Measures for State Traffic Records Systems—referred to subsequently as “the NHTSA Report”—is a publication released by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) in February 2011. In it, NHTSA defined measures for six performance attributes that could apply to each of the six core traffic safety data systems. This report builds upon the roadway data performance measures presented in the NHTSA Report, providing a detailed review of each and suggesting modifications of and possible additions to that original list. For the full report, click here.