Relationship Between NTRS and Other Federal Guidelines
The NTRS is a pioneering effort that is designed to complement the National Response Framework (NRF), the Transportation Systems SSP of the NIPP, and State emergency operations plans. The NTRS addresses the purpose and goals of both the Transportation Systems SSP and NRF. General descriptions of the Transportation Systems SSP and NRF are below.
Transportation Systems Sector-Specific Plan
The Transportation Systems SSP outlines the management of security risks within and across transportation modes. As stated in the plan, the Transportation Systems Sector’s mission is to “continuously improve the risk posture of the Nation’s transportation system .”
The three goals of the Transportation Systems SSP are to:
1. Prevent and deter acts of terrorism against the transportation system;
2. Enhance the resilience of the transportation system; and
3. Improve the cost-effective use of resources for transportation security.
Although the primary focus of the Transportation Systems SSP is on risks associated with terrorist threats, it also applies to other manmade and natural disasters. The plan notes that one of the challenges of the Transportation Systems Sector is the coordination of response and recovery planning and activities. The Transportation Systems SSP is one of the 18 sector-specific plans required as input to the NIPP, which provides “the unifying structure for the integration of existing and future critical infrastructure and key resources (CIKR) protection efforts and resiliency strategies into a single national program …” The NTRS supports goals 2 and 3 of the Transportation Systems SSP.
National Response Framework
The NRF provides guidance on how the Nation conducts all hazards response. It presents a framework for aligning key roles and responsibilities at all levels of government, private industry, and nongovernmental organizations, into a unified national response to disasters . When an incident is so large that it exceeds the ability of local and State government to respond effectively, the Federal government uses the NRF to organize Federal assistance. The NRF is organized into a core document with numerous Emergency Support Function (ESF), Incident, and Support annexes.
The 15 ESF annexes cover functions that could be needed during an emergency (e.g., transportation, communications, public works and engineering, search and rescue, etc.). In regards to transportation recovery, ESF #1—Transportation (led by DOT) and ESF #14—Long-Term Community Recovery (led by FEMA, with DOT as a support agency) are paramount. Additionally, ESF #3—Public Works and Engineering (led by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers), is an important resource for overall infrastructure recovery. The other 12 ESFs may also have responsibilities depending upon the recovery situation.