Preparation and Planning: State Tribal Government
Preparation & Planning: State/Tribal Government
As noted in the NRF, the roles and responsibilities of States, U.S. territories, and tribal governments are extremely similar, thus the term “State” will be used here to encompass those entities, and any exceptions will be indicated. In addition to supporting the local governments in whatever way possible, below are general recommendations for State governmental officials.
Create Extensive Contacts List
Develop an extensive list of contacts. Know how to contact:
• Local EOCs;
• Local and regional TMCs; and
• Regional COGs or MPOs.
Build Relationships
Continue developing and expanding collaboration and information-sharing efforts with other local, tribal, and Federal government and industry stakeholders to promote situational awareness, manage recovery actions, and build resiliency into the transportation network. This may include participating in advisory committees and task forces for transportation recovery, as well as participating in training sessions and exercises with all local and tribal governments and transportation industry stakeholder groups.
Get to Know Lead Decision Makers
Learn and document who controls and has decision-making authority for all transportation systems and infrastructure within the boundaries of interest. As a list of decision-making authorities develops, be sure to determine points-of-contact for emergency outreach following an incident. If you already have a list, be sure to update it regularly.