GPS Adjacent Band Compatibility Assessment Workshop I
September 18, 2014
10:00 AM | Introductions and Welcoming Remarks | David Ishihara Deputy Associate Administrator for Operations, USDOT/Volpe Center |
10:15AM | Overview of GPS Adjacent Band Compatibility Assessment (947 KB PDF) | Karen Van Dyke Director, Office of Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) |
10:25 AM | Overview of the Implementation Plan (GPS Receiver data collection, modeling, and receiver testing) (313 KB PDF) | Stephen Mackey, Hadi Wassaf USDOT/Volpe Center |
11:00 AM | Development of GPS Receiver Use Cases (4.2 MB PDF) | Hadi Wassaf USDOT/Volpe Center |
11:30 AM | GPS Receiver Use Case Template (113 KB PDF) | Hadi Wassaf USDOT/Volpe Center |
12:00 PM | Lunch | All |
1:15 PM | GPS Receiver Data/Characteristics Needed (416 KB PDF) | Hadi Wassaf USDOT/Volpe Center |
2:30 PM | GPS Antenna Data/Characteristics Needed (1.5 MB PDF) | George Dimos USDOT/Volpe Center |
3:45 PM | Break | All |
4:00 PM | Timeline, Proprietary Data, and Next Steps (295 KB PDF) | Stephen Mackey USDOT/Volpe Center |
4:30 PM | Open Discussion | All |
5:00 PM | Adjourn | All |
All Presentations were presented by the Volpe Center with feedback/discussion by participants.
Last updated: Wednesday, September 11, 2019