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Phyllis F. Scheinberg Award


Phyllis F ScheinbergThis Award was established to honor the memory of Phyllis F. Scheinberg, Assistant Secretary for Budget and Programs, and Chief Financial Officer from April 29, 2005 to January 6, 2009.  Previously, Ms. Scheinberg served as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Budget and Programs from 2001 to 2005.  She died on April 20, 2011 after an extended illness.
As a long-term career civil servant, Phyllis devoted much of her career to mentoring other career staff in the complex workings of the Federal financial management and budget processes.  Virtually all of her service was centered on the areas of transportation policy and programs.  This award honors her service by establishing a new performance award that will be provided annually to a Department of Transportation employee or team of employees who is a member of the financial management community that has made significant contributions to the mission of the Department in the budget, finance or performance areas.  Awardees also receive a plaque detailing their specific contributions.

Most Recent Recipients

The most recent award recipients are highlighted below.  Learn more about all Phyllis F. Scheinberg Award Recipients.
Secretary's 56th Awards Ceremony

Secretary’s 56th Annual Awards Ceremony

Recipient: Fiscal Management Information System Funds Transfer Automation Team (FHWA)
Description: For significantly improved transportation policy and programs by automating a manual, time-sensitive, paper-based process of State transfer requests.


Secretary's 55th Awards Ceremony

Secretary’s 55th Annual Awards Ceremony

Recipient: Thane Peters (FAA)
Description: For an exceptional level of integrity and leadership while performing multiple, varying, and complex assignments for FAA’s Budget Execution Division.