U.S. DOT Annual Budget and Program Performance
U.S. DOT Annual Budget, Performance and Evaluation Overview
The U.S. Department of Transportation produces an annual budget and supporting documents as a part of the President’s budget process. Documents that accompany the budget include the Agency’s Annual Performance Plan and the Agency’s Evaluation Plan. Within the DOT, the Chief Financial Officer oversees all of the Department's annual budget requests and performance-related documents.
If you're interested in learning more about the DOT annual budget, the DOT budget and performance reports listed below can help. These documents provide Congress, the President, and the American people detailed information about DOT's stewardship over the financial resources entrusted to the Department as well as the progress it has made in reaching its transportation goals.
U.S. DOT Yearly Budget Highlights Learn more about DOT's yearly budget highlights for current and prior fiscal years. |
U.S. DOT Yearly Budget Estimates The Department's annual performance planning is integrated into DOT's yearly budget submissions to Congress. Learn more about current and prior fiscal year Budget Estimates for all DOT operating administrations. |
Performance Plans and Reports The Annual Performance Plans reinforce the connection between the long-term goals outlined in the Department’s Strategic Plan and the day-to-day activities. The Annual Performance Reports provide updates on program performance and achievements to enable policymakers, Federal managers, and the public to assess how well the Department has made use of its resources. Learn more about the current and prior fiscal years. |
U.S. DOT Strategic Plans The U.S. DOT's Strategic Plan reimagines America's transportation system as the means by which we connect with one another, grow our economy, and protect the environment. Learn more about the DOT's current and prior Strategic Plan. |
The U.S. DOT includes 62 programs. Learn what's included in each of these programs, the strategic goals and objectives they support, and the total budgetary resources of each Operating Administration. |
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