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Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) Funding Status

IIJA Funding Status as of December 15, 2024 – This report shows the status of funding that was provided in the IIJA.

This data is updated bi-weekly.  Below is a summary table showing the changes from the December 1 to December 15 data.

This report shows how IIJA funds are progressing. Funds are first enacted in law and then adjustments and transfers are accounted for. Based on these activities, an adjusted amount of funding is available in a given budget account and funding source.

Of the available funding, DOT provides funding to eligible grant recipients. Some of those funds are made available on a formula basis by law, other funds are made available through a discretionary competitive process. Regardless of how DOT makes those funds available to grant recipients, they are accounted for in the grants announced column.

DOT and grant recipients then work together to finalize the terms and conditions of a grant agreement and mutually enter into binding agreements.  The agreements obligate the funding to grant recipients – sometimes obligating in staggered phases (design, pre-construction, construction, etc).  From those obligated amounts, recipients then request payment for eligible expenses, and these are called outlays.


Report Date
Enacted Budget
with Adjustments

% Obligated
% Outlayed
December 1, 2024 $378,631,735 $388,847,266 $244,181,986 $123,512,638 64.49% 32.62%
December 15, 2024 $375,148,538 $388,904,521 $247,263,433 $126,456,709 65.91% 33.71%
Change -$3,483,197 $57,255 $3,081,447 $2,944,072 1.42% 1.09%


  • For more information on the announced grants, please visit: Library of Select Programs.

  • The decrease in enacted budget authority with adjustments is related to the calculation of available FHWA Fed-Aid funding as limited by the Continuing Resolution. FHWA reports the full year contract authority authorized by IIJA at the start of each Fiscal Year; however, these amounts are subject to FY 2025 obligation limitation (as constrained by the Continuing Resolution) and are adjusted to limit obligations to occur only up to the amount shown reflected in the ‘adjusted total’ column. The increase in obligations and outlays are primarily FHWA’s Federal-Aid Highways, NHTSA’s Highway Traffic Safety Grants program, FTA’s Transit Formula Grants program, and FRA’s State of Good Repair/Fed-State Partnership programs.

  • The “Grants Announced” data refers to DOT’s public selection of grants for projects resulting from a competitive application process and to Formula Grant Funding that DOT Operating Administrations have apportioned or allocated to grant recipients.

  • USASpending is an official government website that provides a different tool to explore this data in more detail. DOT sends data to USASpending in accordance with government-wide reporting timelines. The data presented on this page is provided on a faster timeline than USASpending.


Operating Administration:

A sub-organization of the US Department of Transportation. For more information about the DOT organization chart, visit

Budget Account:

An organized set of activities, programs, or services directed toward a common purpose or goal (ref: OMB Circular A-11). This is typically the same name that ties to the Appropriation heading in the legislation vehicle that provides the funding. One budget account may contain multiple types of funding.

Funding Source:

Describes which part of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) provided the funding in an account. The sources can be: reauthorization of core programs (mandatory budget authority set forth in Divisions A through G) or supplemental appropriations (Division J).

Enacted Budget Authority:

The total funding provided in law, by the relevant funding source(s), in a given budget account.

Adjustments and Transfers:

Limitations on the uses of funding, transfers to other budget accounts, sequestered amounts, or other restrictions that change the availability of the enacted budget authority.

Adjusted Total [budget authority]:

The enacted budget authority that remains available after adjustments and transfers.

Grants Announced:

The total funding that has been made available to grant recipients through formula programs or from projects selected from competitive programs.


The total amount of funding that is under a binding agreement between DOT and a recipient where DOT promises to spend the money, either immediately or in the future, for the agreed upon purpose.


The total amount of funding that has actually been paid to recipients.