TIGER 2016 Project Fact Sheets
Update September 13th, 2019:
“Secretary of Transportation Elaine L. Chao yesterday approved the allocation of $6.97 million in unobligated Fiscal Year 2016 National Infrastructure Investments, known as Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER), funds made available under the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2016, to the Colorado Department of Transportation for the North Interstate 25 Phase 1 project. Funding allocation is contingent on the TIGER-funded project continuing to meet applicable Federal statutory and regulatory requirements, all programmatic milestones and conditions imposed by the Department, and execution of amendments to the pertinent financial assistance agreement already in place for the project. Timely approval is necessary to fully obligate funds before the financial systems close at the end of the fiscal year. Given time constraints and administrative steps necessary to obligate funds, there is a risk that these TIGER 2016 funds may not be allocated despite efforts to obligate them.”