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2008 UTC Spotlight Newsletters

caption{display: none;} 2012 UTC Spotlight Newsletters Title Publication Date UTC(s) A Research Test Bed, a Teaching Laboratory, and a Deployment Project December 2008 University of Massachusetts Travel Assistant Device (TAD) Aids...

USDOT RD&T UTC Video Forums

USDOT’s University Transportation Centers (UTC) program as part of the Office of Research, Development and Technology, in collaboration with the Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office (ITS/JPO), presents a series of video forums focused on emerging technologies and research in...

Memorandum of Agreement Among US Department of Transportation, Commonwealth of Virginia, Fairfax County, Loudon County, the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, and the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority

The United States Department of Transportation (US DOT), the Commonwealth of Virginia (Virginia), Fairfax County (Fairfax), Loudoun County (Loudoun), the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA), and the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority (MWAA) (collectively, the Parties)...