Technical Assistance Innovation Agent
Shai Suzan, Chief Information Officer
WayCare is a mobility company that is working primarily in the traffic management space, but also with first responders leveraging deep learning technologies and predictive analytics for both real-time traffic optimization and incident management in the world of traffic safety. We also use deep learning for predictive analytics and proactive, preventative measures that relate to the world of traffic management and safety, police enforcement, and other agencies relevant to this area. We are really excited for this Challenge. As an Innovation Agent, we bring technical expertise from working with several DOTs and cities across the US. We can help Solvers not only answer how to bring in the existing infrastructure and data points that come in from the city, but also how you can fuse this. We work with in-vehicle data from multiple data sources from the smart phone all the way down to the vehicle. We can help answer how to bring that into an analytical tool that leverages the newest AI capabilities for actionable insight, which we think is part of the goal here – to improve traffic safety, death reduction, and pedestrian safety.