The Center for Advanced Transportation Technology Laboratory
Data Innovation Agent
Michael L. Pack, Director
The Center for Advanced Transportation Technology Laboratory at the University of Maryland supports national, state, and local efforts to solve important transportation, safety, and security problems. The CATT Lab accomplishes this mission through innovative technology deployments and user-centered design of software and information visualization systems. Our work spans many disciplines including Intelligent Transportation Systems, law enforcement, network security, private business, defense and homeland security. We receive hundreds of gigabytes of transportation data every day ranging from traffic accident information to real-time traffic speed and flow information. As a Data Innovation Agent, we can provide access to: Maryland Police Crash Records (personally identifiable information removed), Maryland and other state Advanced Traffic Management System Incident/Event data (includes lane closures, Dynamic Message Sign used, number of responders, event types, etc.), Traffic Sensors (volumes and speeds) from several states, and Road Weather Information System data from multiple states.