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Substance Abuse Professional

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DOT Rule 49 CFR Part 40 Section 40.309

Subpart O - Substance Abuse Professionals and the Return-to-Duty Process§ 40.309 What are the employer's responsibilities with respect to the SAP's directions for follow-up tests? (a) As the employer, you must carry out the SAP's follow-up testing requirements. You may not allow the employee...

DOT Rule 49 CFR Part 40 Section 40.307

Subpart O - Substance Abuse Professionals and the Return-to-Duty Process § 40.307 What is the SAP's function in prescribing the employee's follow-up tests?   (a) As a SAP, for each employee who has committed a DOT drug or alcohol regulation violation, and who seeks to resume the...

DOT Rule 49 CFR Part 40 Section 40.305

Subpart O - Substance Abuse Professionals and the Return-to-Duty Process § 40.305 How does the return-to-duty process conclude?   (a) As the employer, if you decide that you want to permit the employee to return to the performance of safety-sensitive functions, you must ensure that...

DOT Rule 49 CFR Part 40 Section 40.303

Subpart O - Substance Abuse Professionals and the Return-to-Duty Process§ 40.303 What happens if the SAP believes the employee needs additional treatment, aftercare, or support group services even after the employee returns to safety-sensitive duties? (a) As a SAP, if you believe that ongoing...

DOT Rule 49 CFR Part 40 Section 40.301

Subpart O - Substance Abuse Professionals and the Return-to-Duty Process § 40.301 What is the SAP's function in the follow-up evaluation of an employee?   (a) As a SAP, after you have prescribed assistance under §40.293, you must re-evaluate the employee to determine if the employee...

DOT Rule 49 CFR Part 40 Section 40.299

Subpart O - Substance Abuse Professionals and the Return-to-Duty Process§ 40.299 What is the SAP's role and what are the limits on a SAP's discretion in referring employees for education and treatment? (a) As a SAP, upon your determination of the best recommendation for assistance, you will...

DOT Rule 49 CFR Part 40 Section 40.297

Subpart O - Substance Abuse Professionals and the Return-to-Duty Process § 40.297 Does anyone have the authority to change a SAP's initial evaluation?

(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, no one (e.g., an employer, employee, a managed-care provider, any service agent)...

DOT Rule 49 CFR Part 40 Section 40.295

Subpart O - Substance Abuse Professionals and the Return-to-Duty Process§ 40.295 May employees or employers seek a second SAP evaluation if they disagree with the first SAP's recommendations? (a) As an employee with a DOT drug and alcohol regulation violation, when you have been evaluated by a...