Research Resources
DOCR provides external links as a convenience to website visitors and for informational purposes only. DOCR does not endorse or approve any of the content (including products, services or opinions) present on external websites and bears no responsibility for the accuracy or legality of the content of the external site or subsequent links from an external site.
Internal Civil Rights
- ADA Amendments Act of 2008
- Affirmative Action in the United States
- Age Discrimination in Employment Act
- Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
- Disability Rights Movement
- Disparate Impact
- Disparate Treatment
- Employment Discrimination Law in the United States
- Employment Non-Discrimination Act
- Equal Pay Act of 1963
- Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act
- Hate Crime Laws in the United States
- Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009
External Civil Rights
- ADA Amendments Act of 2008
- Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
- Civil Rights Act 1964
- Disability Rights Movement
- Environmental Justice
- Rehabilitation Act of 1973
- Section 508 Amendment to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
- Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
Supplemental Resources
Core Laws & Regulations
The Core Laws and Regulations portion of the Civil Rights Learning Center (CRLC) Research page provides access to the DOCR Library which houses the United States Codes, Codes of Federal Regulations, and Public Laws that affect the Department of Transportation and the programs administered by the Departmental Office of Civil Rights.
Article Databases
- Civil Rights Resource Guide
- Federal Register Topics in Civil Rights
- Harvard Civil Rights Civil Liberties Law Review
- Yale Law Journal
News Sources The Award-Winning LGBT News Site is a LGBT rights news site. was launched in 2002 to educate, assist, and empower African, Hispanic, and Asian Americans to achieve advancement in politics, business, at work, and society in general.
First Amendment Center News
The center serves as a forum for the study and exploration of free-expression issues, including freedon of speech, of the press and of religion, and the rights to assemble and to petition the government.
Los Angeles Times Topics in Civil Rights
News about civil rights, including commentary and archival articles published in The Los Angeles Times.
National Journal - The Next America
Virtually every issue the United States contends with promises to be affected by deep currents of change illuminated by demographic shifts. With The Next America, National Journal explores the political, economic and social impacts of profound racial and cultural change. The initiative includes polls, national and local events with thought leaders, magazine supplements and this site.
New York Times Topics in Civil Rights
News about civil rights, including commentary and archival articles published in The New York Times.
OneWorld aggregates news stories from more than 1,600 sites to give us the most comprehensive human rights page available anywhere.
Privacy Rights Clearinghouse
The Privacy Rights Clearinghouse (PRC) is a nonprofit consumer organization with a two-part mission -- consumer information and consumer advocacy.
Southern Poverty Law Center: The Intelligence Report The SPLC's Intelligence Report, published quarterly, provides in-depth profiles of hate groups, racism, and antiracism initiatives.
Women's eNews
Provides a wide-range of coverage of issues related to women the world-over.
Women Watch
An information gateway to the many United Nations services and programs working towards women's equality and empowerment. Offers the latest UN news on women's rights, videos, publications, committees, and more.
Civil Rights Libraries
Relevant Reports
- U.S. Census Bureau - Language Use in the U.S.
- Diversity and Inclusion - Partnership for Public Service
Have a research resource to submit? Contact For all other EEO and DBE inquiries, please visit the DOT DOCR Website for more information on employee and public Civil Rights services.
Disclaimer: The links listed are provided as resources of information. Views and opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S. Department of Transportation.