USDOT Tackles Distracted Driving, Gains New Safety Allies
WASHINGTON–The U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT), including the National Highway Safety Traffic Administration (NHTSA), convened stakeholders to provide input to a research roadmap to address new distracted driving challenges. Distraction is a known contributing factor to the national roadway safety crisis, and the Distraction Action Forum hosted by NHTSA is part of the National Roadway Safety Strategy (NRSS), the Department’s comprehensive initiative to bring the number of roadway deaths to the only acceptable number: zero. At this forum, the Department reaffirmed its commitment to addressing roadway fatalities resulting from distraction, discussed how the traffic safety community can reduce distracted driving, and gained insight from experts on NHTSA research, policy, education, and communications activities focused on distraction. These activities advanced new actions captured in the 2024 NRSS Progress Report to develop a distraction research roadmap.
The event included opening remarks by U.S. Transportation Deputy Secretary Polly Trottenberg, as well as Christopher Coes, Acting Under Secretary of Transportation for Policy; Sophie Shulman, NHTSA Deputy Administrator; Kristin White, Federal Highway Administration Deputy Administrator; and Vinn White, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Deputy Administrator. The forum also included panel discussions, fireside chats, and breakout discussions with USDOT leadership and experts and invited stakeholders to consider vehicle and behavior research and industry perspectives on distraction.
“Driving while distracted has become a significant challenge in vehicles, even more so than back in 2010 when USDOT began its Distraction Program,” said Deputy Secretary Polly Trottenberg. “Back then most people still had flip phones and cars had buttons and knobs. As technology changes how we interact with our vehicles and our world, this forum will help us do more to help drivers stay engaged in the driving task in modern cars with advanced safety features.”
“Distracted driving is not only deadly but entirely preventable. We all have the power to stop distracted driving, and NHTSA is committed to working with all safety stakeholders to find solutions,” NHTSA Deputy Administrator Sophie Shulman said.
The Department today also announced an additional 17 new commitments from businesses and organizations to support the National Roadway Safety Strategy (NRSS) and take action to reverse the crisis on America’s roads, bringing the total number of Allies in Action to over 180. All Allies in Action have committed to taking specific, tangible steps to actively reduce the number of deaths and serious injuries on America’s roads and streets, expand the adoption of a Safe System Approach and vision for zero fatalities vision across the nation, and transform how we as a nation think about road safety. Allies in Action span multiple sectors and include health and safety advocates, nonprofit organizations, the private sector, state and regional entities, and more.
See the full list of Allies in Action and watch a message from U.S. Transportation Secretary Buttigieg here.
Some of the new voluntary commitments from “Allies in Action” include:
- ((StopDistractions) will facilitate greater awareness for road safety as the voice of distracted driving crash victims by providing support and an outlet to engage in the national conversation. In 2024, StopDistractions launch at least five statewide distracted driving coalitions to devise state specific strategies while continuing to grow those already established. They will also conduct at least 100 training, mentorship, and guidance sessions to victims and families across the country; promote technology solutions to prevent distracted driving and host the 2nd Annual Technology Solutions Showcase in Washington DC during Fall 2024; and they will collaborate with local governments and organizations to host a series of community events. Lastly, StopDistractions will organize interactive workshops and seminars for drivers of all ages, providing practical tips and strategies for avoiding distractions while driving, in at least 20 cities across the country.
- The Association for Commuter Transportation (ACT), on behalf of its 1,600+ members, advocates for the passage of legislation that prioritizes safety measures for vulnerable road users and integrates Travel Demand Management (TDM) principles into transportation policy. Through conferences, events, and meetings, ACT will continue to incorporate safety-focused learning related to achieving Complete Streets and Vision Zero goals. Through our National TDM Week in September 2024, ACT will encourage members to launch public awareness campaigns and host events to educate the public about the benefits of TDM and safe transportation choices. Finally, ACT will utilize existing and forge new partnerships with like-minded organizations and agencies to coordinate efforts towards shared goals of transportation safety and equity.
- The Colorado Department of Transportation’s (CDOT) top goal is to ensure all travelers arrive safely at their destination. Throughout 2024, CDOT is making and measuring progress towards increased delivery of traffic safety outreach events focused on impaired driving and speeding as well as an increase in the number of paid media impressions for impaired driving and awareness campaigns geared towards those walking and bicycling. CDOT will also implement speed setting strategies that include contextual analysis, install speed feedback devices on strategic corridors, and deploy automated speed enforcement in work zones. Additionally, CDOT will accelerate installation of guardrail devices at strategic locations throughout 2024.
- FedEx is working toward advancing safety on roadways through advanced technology and driver training. As a part of their commitment to safety, over 175,000 FedEx drivers have completed defensive driving training. Additionally, automatic emergency braking safety technology is currently installed in nearly 95% of all road tractors in the FedEx network, with plans to continue deploying the technology in more vehicles into 2024 and beyond. The safety and well-being of FedEx team members and all public road users will continue to be the top priority.
- The International Bridge, Tunnel & Turnpike Association (IBTTA), the worldwide association for the owners and operators of tolled and priced road facilities, has launched its “Be Safe Together” campaign to encourage safe driving practices on roads around the world. This global road safety campaign educates drivers, communities, and policymakers about actions they can take to make our roads safer for all users. The campaign includes messaging, promotion, and public engagement activities, including the first IBTTA Global Road Safety Week on June 24-28, 2024. Training for IBTTA members and industry advocates maintains focus on key campaign messages and actions. Case studies highlight the ways in which toll facility operators are successfully reducing crashes and fatalities, offering best practices and successful business cases. IBTTA is committed to this campaign as an ongoing priority to ensure that all the little actions we take make a difference in saving lives.
- Priority Dispatch Corporation offers initial training/certification, quality improvement, and ongoing education for structured interrogation and instruction delivery with the goal of reducing the risk of traffic injuries and fatalities. They will be implementing an additional post-dispatch instruction in their medical, fire, and police protocols relating to moving vehicles to a safe location, off the road, to reduce secondary crashes and additional injuries after an incident has occurred. In addition, they have included two additional critical dispatcher Information statements that provide guidance to the Emergency Dispatcher to ensure they are meeting the standard of practice for these situations. All of these steps directly contribute to NHTSA’s Move Over, it’s the Law initiative.
- Across the seven-county Southeast Michigan region, the Southeast Michigan Council of Governments (SEMCOG) will utilize the Safe Systems Approach to implement actions from the Southeast Michigan Transportation Safety Plan - adopted in June 2023. Throughout 2024, SEMCOG will coordinate through quarterly Transportation Safety Action Committee meetings to set and prioritize regional safety performance measure targets; conduct spring, summer, and fall iterations of the multimedia Safe Streets Southeast Michigan campaign to encourage safe behaviors, distributing tens of thousands of practical safety items (such as bike lights) and broadcasting messages via television, radio, streaming, and social media (aiming for over 13 million impressions); and they will conduct eight Road Safety Audits to generate recommendations for safety countermeasure. Additionally, SEMCOG will identify strategies to promote FHWA-proven safety countermeasures and conduct additional safety data analysis.
The Department launched the National Roadway Safety Strategy (NRSS) in early 2022 in response to the crisis of roadway deaths in America. The NRSS outlines a concrete set of actions the Department has committed to and adopts the five-pronged approach that includes:
- Safer People
- Safer Vehicles
- Safer Speeds
- Safer Roads, and
- Better Post-Crash Care.