About ARPA-I
Mission Statement:
ARPA-I’s mission is to catalyze the development of innovative technologies, systems, and capabilities that have the potential to transform America’s physical and digital infrastructure. We aim to build a future where our transportation systems are safe, secure, efficient and resilient, while achieving net-zero emissions and increasing equity and access for all.
Authorized by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (Public Law 117-58, Section 25012; November 15, 2021), the Advanced Research Projects Agency - Infrastructure (ARPA-I) is a new Congressionally designated agency within the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) tasked with funding high-risk, high-reward next-generation technologies that have the potential to revolutionize America’s transportation infrastructure systems. Congress specified that the goals of ARPA–I shall be —
‘‘(A) to advance the transportation infrastructure of the United States by developing innovative science and technology solutions that —
(i) lower the long-term costs of infrastructure development, including costs of planning, construction, and maintenance;
(ii) reduce the lifecycle impacts of transportation infrastructure on the environment, including through the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions;
(iii) contribute significantly to improving the safe, secure, and efficient movement of goods and people; and
(iv) promote the resilience of infrastructure from physical and cyber threats; and
(B) to ensure that the United States is a global leader in developing and deploying advanced transportation infrastructure technologies and materials.” (49 USC § 119(c)(1)).