Webinar Series - FY2023-2024 Multimodal Project Discretionary Grant Opportunity
The following information applies to the FY 2023-2024 round. The most current webinars can be found here.
How to Apply Webinars
1. TITLE: How to Apply for the MPDG Opportunity
- June 29: 3:30-5:30pm EDT
- Recording
- Passcode: $N2NyhLy
- Please copy and paste the passcode as written.
- Passcode: $N2NyhLy
- Presentation
2. TITLE: How to Apply for the MPDG Opportunity - Rural and Tribal Applicants, Areas of Persistent Poverty, and Historically Disadvantaged Communities
- Date: July 6: 1-3pm EDT
- Recording
- Passcode: s!4TYrsr
- Please copy and paste the passcode as written.
- Passcode: s!4TYrsr
- Presentation
Benefit Cost Analysis Webinars
1. TITLE: How to Prepare a Benefit-Cost Analysis for the MPDG Opportunity
- Date: July 11: 2-4pm EDT
- Recording
- Passcode: Hq^tZ61^
- Please copy and paste the passcode as written.
- Passcode: Hq^tZ61^
- Presentation
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