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Retrospective Review of Rules

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September 2012 RRR Report

The Department prepared its final plan for the "Retrospective Review and Analysis of Existing Rules" in response to Executive Order 13563, which includes our responses to public comments and suggestions received during development of the final plan.  This is the September 2012 status report...

RRR Implementation Plan

The Department has prepared its final plan for the "Retrospective Review and Analysis of Existing Rules" in response to Executive Order 13563.

DOT's List of Regulatory Reviews

List of Pending Section 610 Reviews

You may access the current list of rules that have been reviewed, are being reviewed, or are scheduled to be reviewed in Appendix D to DOT's current Regulatory Agenda at

More Retrospective Review SectionsDOT's Review PlanDOT's Review...

DOT's Review Process

Generally, each DOT agency has divided its rules into 10 different groups and analyzes one group each year.  For purposes of these reviews,  a year coincides with the fall-to-fall schedule for publication of the Regulatory Agenda.

DOT's Review Plan

DOT has long recognized the importance of regularly reviewing its existing regulations to determine whether they need to be revised or revoked.  Our 1979 Regulatory Policies and Procedures require such reviews.

DOT Retrospective Reviews of Rules

This section of the Web site provides information about DOT's plan for reviewing its existing rules, its review process, and its current list of regulatory reviews.  It also includes our "Preliminary Plan for Implementation of Executive Order 13563 - Retrospective Review and Analysis of...