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Privacy Program

This page shows Department of Transportation content pertaining to a specific tag. If you cannot find what you’re looking for on this page, please use the search box in the top right of our website.


DOT Privacy Program Reports 2014 EO 13636 Privacy and Civil Liberties Report 2013 FISMA report from OIG page Government Wide Privacy Act Notices


Understand how privacy risk management is operationalized through our PIAs and SORNs.

Privacy Impact Assessments

Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) describes a process used to evaluate the collection of personal data in information systems. The objective of a PIA is to...

PIA - Aviation Safety Knowledge Management Environment

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) within the Department of Transportation (DOT) has been given the responsibility of civil aviation safety. They use a web interface called ASKME to ensure the safety of aviation.

About Us

DOT Privacy Program privacy@dot.govDOT Chief Privacy Officer Karyn Gorman FAA Chief Privacy Officer Barbara Stance OST Privacy Officer Denise Washington Maurice Desruisseau (Acting) Maurice....