Latest Data on Positive Train Control Implementation Show Uneven Progress across Railroads
Q3 2016 data released
WASHINGTON – The Federal Railroad Administration today released third quarter 2016 data submitted by railroads on their progress in...
Administration has requested $1.25 billion to help railroads achieve implementation
WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Transportation today announced that it will accept applications for $199 million in competitive grant funding for Positive Train Control (PTC)...
Administration has requested $1.25 billion to help railroads achieve implementation
WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Transporation’s Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) today announced that it is accepting applications for $25 million in competitive grant...
WASHINGTON – The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) has awarded eight grants totaling more than $21.2 million that invest in highway-rail grade crossing safety, Positive Train Control (PTC) implementation, and passenger rail. FRA awarded the grants as part of a Notice of Funding...
WASHINGTON – The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) awarded eight grants totaling more than $21.2 million that invest in highway-rail grade crossing safety, Positive Train Control (PTC) implementation, and passenger rail. FRA awarded the grants as part of a Notice of Funding...