Decision is subject to conditions that will protect competition and consumers
WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) issued today a Final Order granting approval of, and antitrust immunity for, the proposed alliance agreements submitted by Delta Air Lines...
WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Transportation today proposed to select American Airlines for new daily scheduled nonstop service between Los Angeles and Beijing, China.
DOT has been conducting a proceeding to consider the competing applications of American and Delta, each having...
This order concerns violations by Delta Air Lines, Inc., (Delta) of the requirements of 14 CFR Part 382 (Part 382) with respect to providing enplaning, deplaning, and connecting assistance, as well as providing dispositive responses to written complaints alleging a violation of Part 382 and...
This order concerns apparent violations by Delta Air Lines, Inc., (Delta), and its operating subsidiary Northwest Airlines, Inc.1Section 257.4 of the code-share disclosure rule states that the holding out or sale of scheduled passenger air transportation involving a code-share arrangement is an...
This Consent Order concerns violations by Delta Air Lines, Inc., (Delta) of the Department’s oversales rule, 14 CFR Part 250, and the statutory prohibition against unfair and deceptive practices, 49 U.S.C. § 41712. The violations stem from the carrier’s failure 1) to solicit volunteers before...