Airline Financial Data
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1st Quarter 2017 Airline Financial Data
1st Quarter 2017 Airline Financial Data
2016 Annual and 4th Quarter Airline Financial Data
2016 Annual and 4th Quarter Airline Financial Data
1st Quarter 2016 Airline Financial Data
1st Quarter 2016 Airline Financial Data
4th Quarter 2015 Airline Financial Data
4th Quarter 2015 Airline Financial Data
1st Quarter 2015 Airline Financial Data
1st Quarter 2015 Airline Financial Data
BTS Releases 2014 Airline Financial Data
BTS Releases 2014 Airline Financial Data
3rd Quarter 2014 Airline Financial Data
3rd Quarter 2014 Airline Financial Data
BTS Releases 3rd-Quarter 2013 Airline Financial Data; Scheduled Passenger Airlines Report Larger Net Profit
BTS 58-13
BTS Releases 3rd-Quarter 2013 Airline Financial Data; Scheduled Passenger Airlines Report Larger Net Profit2nd-Quarter 2012 Airline Financial Data: Largest Airlines Report Profit
The largest scheduled passenger airlines reported a 6.0 percent profit margin in the second quarter of 2012, up from 5.3 percent in the second quarter of 2011, the U.S. Department of Transportation's Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) reported today in a release of preliminary data