Modernizing NEPA
USDOT is leading the effort to modernize the NEPA process, making it more accessible, efficient, transparent, and mobile friendly. Outcomes of this modernization include:
- Interactive text, visuals and maps create a richer user experience.
- Increased quality of public engagement.
- Deeper review and understanding of the project.
- Ability to meet page limit requirements, use plain English, comply with 508 and translate to other languages.
Most current EIS records include a PDF or series of PDFs, which are not formatted for mobile devices, and make it difficult to make and review comments in context.
Interactive formats are easier to navigate and more engaging, especially those that use maps that allow the reader to zoom in and turn layers on and off. The ability to read a NEPA document, interact with a map, and comment on a mobile device screen will increase the accessibility for reviewers, including those without computers or high-speed internet.
Examples of tools to create an interactive EIS:
- Cloud based documents
- Interactive commenting platforms
For more information or to discuss ideas please contact