Understanding Non-Federal Match for the RCP Program
Most DOT discretionary and formula grant programs involve sharing project costs between a non-Federal entity or recipient and the Federal government. Non-Federal “matching” or “cost sharing” (terms may be used interchangeably) means that a portion of the project’s total cost is paid for by the recipient of those Federal funds - a non-Federal “match” to reach the total amount. Matching funds are typically stated as a percentage of the project’s total cost. Please consult the DOT Navigator to learn the basics of “Understanding Federal Match Requirements.” Match requirements vary program to program.
The Reconnecting Communities Pilot (RCP) discretionary grant program requirements do not allow the program to cover 100% of project costs. The applicant is required to provide non-Federal match to supplement the Federal grant, if awarded. The applicant should describe the anticipated funding plan in the application budget narrative. Please note - ALL expenses counted as non-Federal match must be otherwise eligible for RCP funding.
The pathway to full funding varies for Community Planning and Capital Construction.
Major Funding Sources
There are three major funding sources for the RCP:
- The RCP grant itself
- Non-Federal Match or “match” provided by the recipient
- Other Federal Funds (for Capital Construction only)
This graphic reflects the maximum Federal Assistance scenario to show the relationship between major funding sources. Actual RCP Award amounts may be lower than the maximum, which could necessitate a larger non-Federal match.
RCP Planning Grants | RCP Capital Construction Grants |
RCP grant may not exceed 80% of the total project cost. | RCP grant may not exceed 50% of the total project cost. |
Applicants must contribute a minimum 20% non-Federal match. There are limited exceptions. See below. | Applicants may satisfy up to 80% of project costs with other Federal funds (in addition to the RCP grant) |
--- | Applicants must contribute a minimum 20% non-Federal match. There are limited exceptions. See below. |
General parameters regarding non-Federal match as it relates to the RCP program:
- The first question is whether an expense (including intended non-Federal match) is eligible under the grant. An “eligible expense” is an expense incurred by the RCP grant recipient that directly facilitates the execution of a grant agreement and its activities and must be “reasonable,” “necessary,” and “allocable” (2 CFR Part 200.403[a], 404, and 405). Eligible expenses comprise the total project cost for the grant including that funding through RCP and non-Federal match. Matching Eligible expenses must be documented appropriately to be counted towards a match.
- Match may include both funds from the applicant or other non-Federal entity, or third-party in-kind contributions from other non-Federal sources. Examples include State funds originating from programs funded by State revenue, funds originating from State or local revenue-funded programs, or private funds.
- The value of personnel, goods, services, space, and utilities provided by the grant recipient and partners that directly facilitates the grant may be categorized as direct or indirect costs (2 CFR Part 200.412, 413, and 415). Those costs, like all eligible costs, can count toward non-Federal match or be reimbursed with RCP funds, if they are billed to the RCP grant.
- Indirect costs may be billed at the federally negotiated indirect cost rate or a 10% de minimis rate if the former has not been negotiated.
- Third-party in-kind contributions are typically in the form of the value of personnel, goods, services, space, property, and utilities contributed by a non-Federal third party, such as a private business or nonprofit, specifically for the program. In-kind contributions may also include materials, pro bono work provided to the project by third parties, and donations from private sponsors.
- Non-Federal match funds may be counted only once and may not be counted as match for multiple Federal awards.
- A non-Federal match that is an eligible expense for one grant may not be eligible in all instances across all grants.
The Tables below provide illustrative match examples for RCP Planning and Capital Construction Grants. Please note, the applicability of examples depends on the applicant organization’s accounting practices. The last section of this document provides examples of costs that are typically not eligible expenses, including for match.
RCP Grant Eligible Funding Sources for Non-Federal Match
Funds |
RCP Grant Eligible Expenses and Non-Federal Match Examples
Eligible RCP expenses may support eligible public engagement activities, eligible planning studies and activities, and eligible construction activities. See Page 7 of the NOFO.
Eligible expenses for the RCP Grant, non-Federal matching funds, and in-kind contributions will fall under the following categories and examples.
Category | Eligible Costs and Match Examples |
Personnel |
Goods |
Services |
Space |
Utilities |
Examples of costs likely to be ineligible Expenses for RCP Grants and non-Federal match
The following are examples of costs that are typically not eligible for the RCP grant nor for non-Federal match:
- The time that members of the public spend to learn more about activities associated with the execution of the grant.
- Expenses not directly necessary for the facilitation of the grant agreement, including providing food, beverages.
- Promotional materials (e.g., t-shirts, mugs, hats) to give out at public outreach events or to staff and/or volunteers working on the grant.
- Workforce activities not directly associated with the transportation project to remove, retrofit, or mitigate.
- Public art not directly associated with the transportation project.
- Lobbying, including costs to influence policy decisions or elections. (See 2 CFR 200.450 for further information on lobbying.)
- General costs of government outside the scope of implementing the grant (e.g., salaries and expenses for City Council, Mayor, Tribal executive). (See 2 CFR 200.444 for further information on general costs of government.)
- Entertainment (e.g., band, DJ, performers) to entice participation in events.
- Time and costs associated with developing grant application and other pre-award costs.
- Fundraising costs for organization (e.g., financial campaigns, endowment drives, solicitation of gifts) associated with grant recipient or partnership organizations to obtain contributions for general operations.
- Fines, penalties, and fees resulting from violations or failure to comply with Federal, State, or local laws and regulations.
- Funds may not be used to support or oppose union organizing.
Examples of Federal funding programs that may be counted toward the 20% non-Federal match requirement
There are limited instances when Federal funds may be used to satisfy the RCP’s non-Federal match requirement.
For Community Planning Grants, funding programs that may be used to satisfy non-Federal match include, but may not be limited to:
- DOT’s Tribal Transportation Program Funds if the project will provide access to Tribal land.
- DOT’s Federal Lands Transportation Funds if the project will provide access to Federal land.
- DOT’s Recreational Trails Program Funds if the project is eligible under that program.
- HUD’s Community Development Block Grants (CDBG), if the CDBG-funded portion of the project is undertaken as part of CDBG-eligible activities.
For Community Planning Grants and Capital Construction Grants, funding programs that may be used to satisfy non-Federal match include, but may not be limited to:
- Transportation Development Credits / Toll Credits.
Examples of Federal funding programs that may be counted toward “Other Federal Funds” for Capital Construction Grants
Capital construction grant applicants may seek to supplement an RCP award with Federal funds (formula or discretionary) for a maximum of 80% Federal assistance for total project costs.
Examples of Federal programs (formula and discretionary) include:
- DOT’s Metropolitan Planning and Statewide Planning & Research funds (FHWA and FTA)
- DOT’s Surface Transportation Block Grants, including Transportation Alternatives
- DOT’s Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement program
- DOT’s Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) grants
- DOT’s Multimodal Project Discretionary grants
- DOT’s Safe Streets and Roads for All grants
- HUD’s Community Development Block grants
- HHS’s Community Services Block grants
For more information
- See section C.2 of the RCP NOFO for Cost Sharing and Matching
- See section C.3 of the RCP NOFO for Eligible Facilities, Activities, and Costs
Understanding Non-Federal Match Requirements | US Department of Transportation