Staff Directory
The Office coordinates the presentation of the Department’s legislative and budget programs to the Congress. It monitors and responds to the DOT-related activities of the Department’s Congressional oversight, authorizing, and appropriations committees. It is also the principal Departmental advocate before Congress for DOT’s legislative initiatives and other legislative matters. In this regard, the Office ensures that all testimony and responses to Congressional inquiries are consistent with the Secretary’s and the Administration’s views.
The Office is also responsible for developing constructive, working relationships with state and locally elected officials and their associations such as the National Governors Association, the National Association of Counties, the National Conference of State Legislatures, and the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. Equally as important, the Office cultivates and enhances relations with national and local organizations, public and private groups, and state organizations to promote DOT policies that benefit our nation.
Title | Name | Phone Number |
Assistant Secretary | Vacant | 202-366-4573 |
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary | | 202-366-4573 |
Deputy Assistant Secretary (House) - Congressional | Jean Roehrenbeck | 202-366-4573 |
Deputy Assistant Secretary (Senate) - Congressional | Vacant | 202-366-4573 |
Deputy Assistant Secretary - Intergovernmental | Evan Wessel | 202-366-4573 |
Assistant Secretary - Tribal Affairs | Arlando Teller | 202-366-0237 |
Tribal Affairs Director | Milo Booth | 202-366-0237 |
Advisor for Governmental Affairs | Tiger Ricchetti | 202-366-4573 |
Advisor for Governmental Affairs | Hoor Qureshi | 202-366-4573 |
Advisor for Intergovernmental Affairs | Samantha Perlman | 202-366-4573 |
Director of Governmental Affairs | Tonya Gross | 202-366-4563 |
Senior Congressional Affairs Specialist | Trish Fritz | 202-366-4573 |
Congressional Affairs Specialist | Joseph Schmoll | 202-366-4573 |
Congressional Affairs Specialist | Elena Joa | 202-366-4573 |
Congressional Affairs Specialist | Sabrina McNeal | 202-366-4573 |
Governmental Affairs Specialist | Vacant | 202-366-4573 |
Staff Assistant | Tamica Dixon | 202-366-4573 |
Staff Assistant | Allison Dufresne | 202-366-4573 |
Staff Assistant | Francisco Aponte | 202-366-4573 |
Administrative Officer | Toiyriah Turner | 202-366-4573 |