Statement from USDOT on Presidential Executive Order on Positioning, Navigation, and Timing
On February 12, 2020, President Donald J. Trump signed an Executive Order (EO) establishing the first comprehensive national policy promoting the responsible use of positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT) services by the Federal Government and critical infrastructure owners and operators to strengthen critical infrastructure resilience.
With this EO, the Trump Administration is strengthening American resilience by identifying and promoting approaches to manage the risks to critical transportation systems and supporting commercial infrastructure from the disruption and manipulation of PNT services.
PNT services, such as the U.S. Global Positioning System (GPS), are critical to the safe and efficient use of the national transportation system by the traveling public, the freight community, other commercial and private entities, and Federal agencies using PNT within their owned and operated systems, as well as Federal users of the roads, rails, waterways, and airspace within the United States.
Safety is the Department of Transportation’s top priority. We must ensure that reliable PNT services are available to meet current and emerging transportation applications and supporting infrastructures (e.g., communications, energy, information systems, etc.) with the goal of reducing deaths and injuries on our highways, rail systems, transit, aviation, and maritime modes and ensuring America’s transportation network continues to be the safe and technologically advanced.
DOT looks forward to partnering with other departments and agencies; state, local, and tribal partners; and the private sector to implement this EO on “Strengthening National Resilience through Responsible Use of PNT Services.” The Department is committed to working with industry, as well as the other departments and agencies, to ensure expeditious implementation of the framework and resulting transportation PNT profiles created in accordance with this EO Our challenge is to enable increased resilience across our transportation systems and ensure the traveling public and freight transporters experience an increased level of safety and efficiency without the possibility of interference caused by loss or manipulation of PNT.