The Department of Transportation is issuing a final rule to improve the air travel environment for consumers by: Increasing the number of carriers that are required to adopt tarmac delay contingency plans and the airports at which they must adhere to the plan’s terms; increasing the number of...
SUMMARY: This document requires most certificated U.S. air carriers and foreign air carriers operating to and from the U.S. that conduct passenger-carrying service to record and categorize complaints that they receive alleging inadequate accessibility or discrimination on the basis of disability...
Office of the Secretary
14 CFR Part 382
[OST Docket No. 2003–11473]
RIN 2105–ADO4
Reporting Requirements for Disability- Related Complaints
AGENCY: Office of the Secretary, Department of Transportation (DOT).
ACTION: Guidance on final rule and notice of...
TIGER Federal Register Jan 2012