USDOT Statement on Omnibus Spending Bill
Please see below a statement from the U.S. Department of Transportation regarding the omnibus spending legislation passed by the House of Representatives today:
“Because of the President’s leadership, Congress is now considering a spending bill that provides billions in needed funding for infrastructure projects across the country and also removes preferential treatment for the New York and New Jersey Gateway projects, including complete removal of all language that earmarked or advantaged these local transit projects in earlier versions considered by Congress. The President’s infrastructure principles are reflected in many areas of the final bill including additional infrastructure for rural America and enhancing infrastructure finance programs. The increase in funding for several transportation infrastructure programs, including those for roads, bridges, airports, ports, rail, and transit among the various discretionary competitive grant programs that DOT administers, will assure that deserving projects from all sources can be considered on their individual merits and our entire country’s infrastructure can be improved.”