Electric Mobility Planning Resources: Equitable Planning
Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool (CEJST)
White House Council on Environmental Quality – Dataset/Map
Interactive map to help users identify census tracts with disadvantaged communities considered overburdened by pollution and historically underserved. Users can also download underlying data and shapefiles. The tool was developed by the White House Council on Environmental Quality to guide Federal investment around climate, clean energy, affordable and sustainable housing, clean water, among other areas as part of the Biden-Harris Administration’s Justice40 Initiative.
Link: https://screeningtool.geoplatform.gov/en/#5.35/33.706/-92.434
Equitable Transportation Community (ETC) Explorer
USDOT – Dataset/Map
Interactive web application that uses 2020 census tracts and data to explore the cumulative burden communities experience as a result of underinvestment in transportation. The dashboard enables users to explore indicators of transportation insecurity, climate and disaster risk, environmental burden, health vulnerability, and social vulnerability.
Link: https://www.transportation.gov/priorities/equity/justice40/etc-explorer
Promising Practices for Meaningful Public Involvement in Transportation Decision-Making
USDOT – Guidance/Reference
Resource from USDOT to help funding recipients meaningfully involve the public in transportation decision-making. USDOT defines meaningful public involvement as “a process that proactively seeks full representation from the community, considers public comments and feedback, and incorporates that feedback into a project, program, or plan.” The guide includes appendices with relevant requirements and several public involvement techniques to consider.
Link: https://www.transportation.gov/public-involvement
USDOT FHWA – Dataset/Map
Interactive map enabling users to navigate, view, and print geospatial maps and download the underlying data. Combines several data sources to produce various layers for transportation and equity analyses. Allows users to map FHWA’s current and pending alternative fuel corridor designations. Also includes layers for population demographics, economic well-being, and commute times as well as for air quality, safety, congestion, and other performance metrics.
Link: https://hepgis.fhwa.dot.gov/fhwagis/
Screening Tool for Equity Analysis (STEAP)
USDOT FHWA – Dataset/Map
Interactive web map that outputs Title VI and environmental justice population summaries surrounding project locations. Users can either select a highway or draw a line representing the location of the project and the tool will output a summary report of the populations within a buffer of the project.
Link: https://hepgis.fhwa.dot.gov/fhwagis/buffertool/
Low-Income Energy Affordability Data (LEAD) Tool
DOE – Dataset/Map
Interactive web map that allows users to explore estimated energy characteristics of low- and medium-income households at the national, State, county, city, or census tract level. Users can combine and compare selected geographic areas to better understand the energy burden facing low-income communities.
Link: https://www.energy.gov/eere/slsc/low-income-energy-affordability-data-lead-tool
Using Mapping Tools to Prioritize Electric Vehicle Charger Benefits to Underserved Communities
Argonne National Laboratory – Guidance/Reference
A report to guide Federal, State, and local organizations in applying mapping tools to identify priority locations to install EV chargers while pursuing equity-focused goals. The report conclusion lists over 50 mapping layers that could be considered when planning EV charging infrastructure from an equity perspective.
Link: https://www.osti.gov/biblio/1870157/
EPA – Dataset/Map
Interactive tool that combines environmental and demographic indicators into maps and reports. Helps users identify minority or low-income populations and potential environmental quality burdens.
Link: https://www.epa.gov/ejscreen
U.S. Census Bureau – Dataset/Map
Website to explore Census data and annual American Community Survey and American Housing Survey data. Includes dynamic table and maps generators with extensive filter options including by geography, topic, and year.
Link: https://data.census.gov/cedsci/
Virtual Public Involvement (VPI): Video Case Studies
USDOT FHWA – Guidance/Reference
A collection of videos featuring conversations with transportation agencies and example strategies for using digital technology to engage the public in transportation decision-making, project development and planning, and environmental review. Videos on virtual engagement tools include accompanying factsheets with additional case studies, considerations, and tips for success.
Link: https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/planning/public_involvement/vpi/resources/case_studies/
Practical Approaches for Involving Traditionally Underserved Populations in Transportation Decisionmaking (2012)
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine – Guidance/Reference
Report that describes effective approaches to engage traditionally underrepresented populations in transportation decision-making. Describes specific methods of outreach and engagement and includes case studies from across the United States. Also lists several data sources and tools for inventorying a community’s social and economic characteristics.
Link: https://doi.org/10.17226/22813
EV Charging Justice40 Map Tool
Argonne National Laboratory – Dataset/Map
Web map designed to inform users if their projects are located in disadvantaged communities (DACs). Users can input the addresses of their projects or navigate to them. Users may also turn map layers on or off if needed.
Link: https://www.anl.gov/esia/electric-vehicle-charging-equity-considerations
Energy Zones Mapping Tool (EZMT)
Argonne National Laboratory – Dataset/Map
Public, web-based system designed for energy infrastructure planning and analysis, especially evaluating the many factors influencing siting decisions. Argonne is expanding the EZMT to include electric vehicle charging station data and siting factors, including a strong emphasis on energy justice and equity metrics. Users can interactively design and query maps from the library of over mapping 340 layers, download data, and run models to map locations best fitting a set of siting criteria.
Link: https://ezmt.anl.gov/
Geospatial Energy Mapper (GEM)
Argonne National Laboratory – Dataset/Map
An interactive, web-based tool that enables users to locate areas for clean power generation and energy transmission corridors. GEM is a user-friendly modeling tool built on the core data and capabilities of the Energy Zones Mapping Tool (EZMT, which continues to be a robust tool for users with strong GIS interest). GEM features an improved user interface, updated data, and additional capabilities. Argonne National Laboratory hosts the tool with funding from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Electricity.
Link: https://gem.anl.gov/
Community Tool Box: Assessing Community Needs and Resources (Chapter 3)
University of Kansas – Guidance/Reference
Online textbook with guidance and methods to help community leaders and decision makers assess community needs. Chapter 3 of the toolbox provides guidance specifically on identifying and assessing community needs.
Link: https://ctb.ku.edu/en/table-of-contents/assessment/assessing-community-needs-and-resources
E-DRIVE: Evaluation & Development of Regional Infrastructure for Vehicle Electrification
ERM Group – Dataset/Map
The Evaluation & Development of Regional Infrastructure for Vehicle Electrification (E-DRIVE) model is a user-friendly analytical tool to support the planning of electric vehicle fast charging infrastructure throughout the United States.
Link: https://www.sustainability.com/thinking/e-drive/