Glossary of Abbreviations
Abbreviation | Term |
ACEEE | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy |
ADA | Americans with Disabilities Act |
AFC | Alternative Fuel Corridor |
AFDC | Alternative Fuels Data Center |
AFLEET | Alternative Fuel Life-Cycle Environmental and Economic Transportation |
ATVM | Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing |
AVTC | Advanced Vehicle Technology Competitions |
BEB | battery electric bus |
BEV | battery electric vehicle |
BIL | Bipartisan Infrastructure Law |
CCS connector | Combined Charging System connector |
CE | categorical exclusion |
CHAdeMO connector | “CHArge de MOve,” equivalent to “charge for moving” |
CMAQ | Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement |
Co-ops | Cooperatives |
CWA | Clean Water Act |
DERA | Diesel Emissions Reduction Act |
DC | direct current |
DCFC | direct current fast charging |
DOC | U.S. Department of Commerce |
DOE | U.S. Department of Energy |
DOL | U.S. Department of Labor |
DOT | Department of Transportation |
DSIRE | Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency |
EA | environmental assessment |
EERE | U.S. DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy |
EDA | U.S. Economic Development Agency |
EIS | environmental impact statement |
EO | executive order |
EPA | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency |
ESA | Endangered Species Act of 1973 |
ESB | electric school bus |
EV | electric vehicle |
EVITP | Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Training Program |
EVSE | electric vehicle supply equipment |
EZMT | Energy Zones Mapping Tool |
FAA | USDOT Federal Aviation Administration |
FCEV | fuel-cell electric vehicle |
FEMA | Federal Emergency Management Agency |
FHWA | USDOT Federal Highway Administration |
FLAP | Federal Lands Access Program |
FOA | Funding Opportunity Announcement |
FTA | USDOT Federal Transit Administration |
GARVEE | Grant Anticipation Revenue Vehicle |
GHG | greenhouse gas |
HEV | hybrid electric vehicle |
IRA | Inflation Reduction Act |
ILIT | Infrastructure Location Identification Toolkit |
IOU | investor-owned utilities |
IRS | Internal Revenue Service |
kW | kilowatt |
kWh | kilowatt hour |
LDV | light-duty vehicle |
MARAD | USDOT Maritime Administration |
MPGe | miles per gallon of gasoline equivalent |
MPO | metropolitan planning organization |
NACTO | National Association of City Transportation Officials |
NASEO | National Association of State Energy Officials |
NEPA | National Environmental Policy Act |
NESCAUM | Northeast States for Coordinated Air Use Management |
NHPA | National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 |
NHS | National Highway System |
NOFO | Notice of Funding Opportunity |
NPIAS | National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems |
NRCS | USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service |
NREL | National Renewable Energy Laboratory |
O&M | operations and maintenance |
OST | USDOT Office of the Secretary of Transportation |
PHEV | plug-in hybrid electric vehicle |
POU | publicly owned utility |
P3 | public-private partnerships |
RAISE | Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity |
RFID | radio-frequency identification |
RPM | revolutions per minute |
RTPO | regional transportation planning organization |
ROUTES | Rural Opportunities to Use Transportation for Economic Success |
SBA | U.S. Small Business Administration |
SCEP | U.S. DOE Office of State and Community Energy Programs |
SEP | U.S. DOE State Energy Program |
SIB | State Infrastructure Bank |
STIP | Statewide Transportation Improvement Program |
SUV | sport utility vehicle |
TCRP | Transit Cooperative Research Program |
TIFIA | Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act |
TIP | Transportation Improvement Program |
UPWP | Unified Planning Work Program |
USACE | United States Army Corps of Engineers |
USDA | United States Department of Agriculture |
USDOT | United States Department of Transportation |
VGI | vehicle-to-grid integration |
VTO | U.S. DOE Vehicle Technologies Office |
VW | Volkswagen |
V1G | unidirectional vehicle-to-grid |
V2G | bidirectional vehicle-to-grid |
WOTUS | waters of the United States |
ZEV | zero emission vehicle |
Last updated: Thursday, June 29, 2023