Rural EV Toolkit (PDF Version)
Charging Forward: A Toolkit for Planning and Funding Rural Electric Mobility Infrastructure
This toolkit is meant to be a one-stop resource to help rural communities scope, plan, and fund electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure. A rural stakeholder—such as an individual property owner, business, town, or planning agency—can use the toolkit to identify key partners for a project, take advantage of relevant planning tools, and identify available funding or financing to help make that project a reality.
Armed with the resources in this toolkit, rural communities will have the tools and information they need to start planning and implementing EV infrastructure projects and ultimately realize the benefits of electric mobility.
This toolkit is intended for a variety of rural stakeholders, including States, local communities, Tribes, transportation providers, non-profits, businesses, and individuals. The toolkit focuses on infrastructure for light-duty electric passenger vehicles (such as sedans, sport utility vehicles, and pickup trucks), but also addresses funding opportunities and planning considerations for other types of electric vehicles, including transit and school buses, medium- and heavy-duty vehicles, and agricultural equipment such as tractors.
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